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I suddenly felt weak with tubes stuck on my body, opening my eyes I looked at the white ceiling and weird posters on the wall and............wait a sec! This isn't my room...........this is a hospital........ what am I doing here? I wanted to scream but I couldn't make out anything cause my mouth felt soo heavy
"Calm down Nicole am here"
My mom answered for me
"This is a notepad for you to write down anything you wanna say cause for the mean time you won't be able to talk till the drugs wear off"
~ so why am I here?~ I wrote down
"Well, you had a little accident on your way home "
~oh, okay when am I leaving this place smells horrible ~
"Am not that sure may be after a few more tests and checkups I guess "
It has been a month now and things between Nate and I are kinda complicated, first, he looks at me weirdly and compliments me so often and laughs at my dry jokes and shit,secondly,he started asking me who's the lucky guy that stole my heart and all that crap and when I say no one he looks at me like I just grew two heads! And let's not start with the way he always on my side and agrees with everything I say even when am obviously wrong not to mention the death glares that all the girls shoot me with especially Maddison.
"Hey, watcha thinking about that you haven't touched your food yet?" Joan obviously had to break my day dream
"Nothing "
"Don't gimme that crap,I know you........ your so in love with food that before we get to our seats you start pinching your food "
"Alright fine! I'll tell you but after, no questions asked "
"Sure " and then I tell her everything about me and Nate well except the lucky guy part.
" he's so into you!" Joan screams clearly forgetting that we're in the cafeteria
"Shhhhh! Maybe he wants something else okay "
" your so oblivious! Can't you see or do you want more hints already "?
"Look let's drop this okay?"
"Alright but am not letting this go " she said and walked away. But what if she's right? Gosh I don't wanna think about this it's not funny at all............. school was now over so I headed to my car only to find something written on it in red paint <stop trying to find the killer!!> now that's creepy walking as fast as I could I quickly picked up a bucket and sponge to wash the paint off, yay! Another fun thing to do......note the sacarsm . Finally done with my car, I drove home and I couldn't help but feel followed.
"Hey Nikki, it's Nancy how are you doing over there?"
"Am fine thanks I have a lot to tell you,"
"That's no problem am already on my way there"
Now that Nancy is finally coming, I had to tell her everything, including Nate. Suddenly my phone buzzed
Nicole: hi
Nate:sooo how are you doing,is everything alright?
Nicole: yeah everything's fine
Nate: look, I can't keep beating around the bush anymore
Nate:I really like you and I know for sure that you like me too
Nicole:in your dreams
Nate: I know you Nicole,please just gimme a chance to make you happy and I promise you won't regret it
Nicole: okay I'll be your girlfriend
Nate: cool! But let's keep this relationship a secret, like on a very low level
Nicole:okay sure whatever
Nate: see you in school
*end of chat *
Well I wonder why he won't want everyone to know about us........... well
As long as nothing will go wrong then am cool with it.*ding dong* Nancy must be here. I thought as I almost ran to the door.
"I missed you so much "
"Me too! How's everything over there?"
"Smooth. But am moving to town in a couple of days from now "
"Cool! That means we get to go to the same school " I told Nancy about Joan and how we became friends then I moved on to Nate and I and about our recent conversation
"Be careful with that guy, don't easily fall in love with him cause we don't know what his motives are" I was surprised that Nancy didn't back me up on this one
"Sure. I don't even like him, I just wanna see were this goes"
"Good. Oh,and that Joan girl, I don't trust her one bit "
"Look, I know you don't like her but she has been with me through thick and thin, plus I owe her a lot for all the standing up she did for me "
" am just trynna look out for you okay!"
" I appreciate that, but you can't just tell me what to do and what not to. I own my life you get it?"
I am really pissed right now, she's lucky I can't do anything when am angry or she will be toast
"Do don't understand what am....."
"Then make me understand " I interrupted her
"This doesn't seem like the right time to talk about this, just be careful okay,I don't wanna see you get hurt. You'll eventually get what am saying soon" and with that she left. So much for a visit.

A/N: is Nancy just being overprotective, or she's hiding something?

A/N: is Nancy just being overprotective, or she's hiding something?

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