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I came back home immediately after dinner with Bola and all I could think about was our conversation....well he isn't that bad..at least he's being himself around me and not trying to break my heart like others


"I'd really love to know you more " he asked gently rubbing his thumb on my hand....not that I mind the friendly gesture or anything but am not feeling the electricity

"Sure.....I mean we're friends right?"  Are we?

"What if we could be something more?"  I better not lead him on seeing that I only like him as a friend

"Uhmm..." I tried talking but my lips won't move! Damn those traitors now he'll think am interested

"You don't have to say anything....I get that you're not ready for a relationship yet, after finding out about your past"   I couldn't help but smile at how he understands me so well..

"Thanks for understanding....I promise to give that a thought "

"Great! Anyway thanks for tonight...I'll see you next week?"

"Sure" and then I pecked him on the cheek...I felt him stiffen;but then relaxed afterwards ... I bit back a smile that's slowly forming and left

End of flashback

I smile at the memory of happened a few hours ago and decided to call Jamie.....it's been awhile and he's been acting strange lately...he won't talk to me freely like before or look me in the eyes..like he's done something really bad and is guilty....I just want him to talk to me so we can sort this shit out... suddenly the door opened to reveal a very drunk Jamie staggering towards the couch , I ran to the kitchen to make iced tea with lime; I always drink that to sober up... and so when I walked up to where he sat I heard him saying something I couldn't quite make out...so instead I wanted to hear more so I hid behind the love seat left of him and listened.....no am not a stalker and I know it's wrong to invade someone's privacy but I can't help it if that person is family...besides people say the truth when their drunk

"I'm sooo sorry.." he slurred
"I. Didn't. Mean too.... I didn't want to kill her! Please forgive me I don't know what came over me....".    

What in the Neptune is he talking about? Kill who? My brother isn't a murderer! Then he continued as if reading my thoughts

"Tori.... am .....I...should not have ..... am a bad bad person"

Those next words made me drop what I was holding.... this is some kind of joke....right???....RIGHT!

I couldn't bombard him with questions in the vulnerable state he's in..... it must be my ears! I need to get those things checked out before I hear something that's gonna break me ..... I slowly walked up to my room after glancing at Jamie and it seems like he's crying! Oh Lord,please save me from myself I prayed

A/N: dun dun duuuuuun!!! 😳😳 woah... that information hit home!
Do y'all think she's gonna fall for Bola or do you think she's just being friendly?
Something's fishy *pretends to think🤔🤔*

Jamie and Tori? I wonder what's happening here 😉😉
Read on to find out ( hopefully I'll be updating only weekends or when am less busy..cause I really double think before I write the next chapter)
Anyhoo don't forget to tap on the lil star at the bottom of your screen and comment ooo and for those who asked for my real name...... y'all gonna find out pretty soon when I do a Q&A for my characters (yh I'll be doing that a lot)don't forget to follow me on instagram at lolexeldee

💋 muah

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