Murder: her best friend was involved
Love: she got too involved
Hate: she was more than happy to give it her best shot
And that pretty much sums up Nicole Grey; curious teen who stops at nothing to avenge her best friends death but along the way...
I kept trying to remember the so called sleepover Joan spoke about but my brain won't even function the way I want it too...urgh! This is sooo annoying!
I decided to finally get dressed and meet up with Bola so we could head to the restaurant together... I decided to dress very simple by wearing my peach floral dress with black flip flops ********
"What's wrong?" Was what he kept asking and I kept saying nothing but he wouldn't buy it...well we're presently taking a break at one of the free tables at the back,when he kept poking me for answers
"For the umpteenth time Bola....nothing is wrong just stop poking me already " I groaned
"Not until you tell me why your smile isn't carrying that spark it used to" What's it with everyone saying that am not smiling properly!!
"Fine" I give in..... even though I know that I shouldn't be telling strangers my problems; I felt like I could tell him anything... he seems worthy enough and I can't help but wonder why "Look,I know you probably care about me but I don't wanna bother you with my problems okay?"
"Your not bothering me... I'm insisting cause I do care and I want to help you in any way that I can" he said smiling...why does he keep doing that? Doesn't he get angry or something... gosh I envy his happiness right now, alright hear we go
"I was raped". I blurted out I was kinda expecting him to pity me like everyone look at me like I was a filthy I didn't deserve what normal people deserved but instead he ushered me to go on and I did
"What happened?" "Well, I went to this party sometime ago and well I kinda got drunk and some guy took advantage of me and boom! Am pregnant....I told my parents and they got mad and my mom won't even look at me and tell me that everything would be alright,she didn't wipe away my tears like a mother should,she didn't comfort me or cry with me! Instead she went upstairs and packed my bags and threw me out of my freaking home! The only people who helped me out was my brother and my bestie, also I decided to abort the baby since it probably wouldn't have a dad so did what I thought was best...but along the way my whole life crumbled when Tori dies a mysterious death which turned out that somehow someone close to her did it! And when i tried solving that mystery with my other friend, she died too and we were soo close to catching the culprit! Then this guy came into my life only to embarrass me and say he can't be with me because he doesn't want me to get hurt again! Like what the hell!! Then he comes back asking for forgiveness and being stupid I forgave him knowing that he might still do the same thing but my weak and poor heart won't listen to my brain to let go of him and forget about him cause I think I like him and because of that my life isn't going the way I want it too not to mention that I suspect Joan but not fully cause I don't have enough proof and she's my freaking bestie so it must be embarrassing " I finished panting and he just stared at me wide eyed
"Yeah, I know... my life is one gigantic puzzle that even an expert can't put the pieces back together "
"Let go" what's he trying to say
"Let go of your past...... you've been holding a grudge against your mom,and all you can think about is avenging your best friends death....and for that Joan chick... just try to see what she's always up to before you conclude anything....besides you've known her for sooo long right?"
"Yes "
"So, you obviously know what she can and can't do ...don't ruin your friendship with her because of mere suspicion "
Could he really be right about this? What if? No Joan isn't capable of hurting a fly... she's too nice though she can be bitchy sometimes ... forgiving my mother! No fucking way! Not even in my dreams! No am not going down that road.... she can go rot in hell for all I care
"I can't forgive her "
"You just have to tr-"
"No! Am not going to forgive her so stop talking to me about forgiveness when she knows nothing of the sort! She fucking threw me out of her life and all you can say is to forgive her! You must be stupid to think I'd do that"
"I was just trying to help but clearly your not letting anyone in" he said annoyed....that's the first time am seeing another type of emotion on his face
"Am sorry for snapping at you but I've been trynna hide my pain but that shits broken "
"It's fine... I shouldn't have pushed you too far.."
"Don't worry about it ..... wanna go out for dinner?" I asked trying to lighten up the mood
"Sure... how bout you take me somewhere since am still kinda new"
"Kay.... how about that diner across the street?"
"Sounds perfect "
A/N:sooo now y'all know what her mom did to make her soo mad...anyway thanks for those who kindly decided to follow me on instagram and I believe y'all can do soo much more 😉😉 sooo am still searching for covers, any suggestions should be sent to my WhatsApp number below 08119952041 Also do well to keep voting and commenting and I'll promise you a cookie (i.e. The person who votes and comments the most 😏) Also I need song suggestions too....pls let's all work together to prevent discrimination/racism especially black folks 🙏🏾🙏🏾 it's really getting outta hand and no one is doing anything about it thank you and don't forget to follow me at lolexeldee
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