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^^listen to time by NF and growing pains by alessia cara^^

*still nate's pov*

I arrived at the station to where Nikki was at and saw her crying her eyes out in somewhere that seems to be a waiting room of some sort
"You alright?" I asked sitting beside her
But instead she just looks at me and cries harder.....
What do I do now??? I've never dealt with a crying female before??
I mentally screamed
Do I hug her or pat her back or what I'm kinda lost here

"It hurts so much nate! It hurts so much "

"I'm sure it's some kind of mistake... he didn't do it" I tried to assure her but she just scoffs

"And how do you know that huh? They found he's fingerprints on the murder weapon! How would you explain that! They had an affair behind my back.... he betrayed my trust!"

"Would you just shut up!! He didn't betray you, you never let Tori hang out with him when you clearly saw how hard they fell for each other.... did you ever just think that maybe Jamie has changed? He trusted you enough to stand by you after everything you're parents did to you after they found out what happened to you!!! He always stood by you when you make the most stupidest mistake ever and did he ever once judge you for your actions? No! He didn't because he knew you and understood you when nobody couldn't and when it's he's turn to have a little happiness in his life you snatch it away from him! Do ever think about he's feelings!!!"  I snap at her causing her to flinch a little.

Urgh! Nathan you're supposed to bring her closer to you but instead you're going back to square one

"Look am sorry I just snapped and I-"

"It's fine,I mean somebody's gotta tell me how terrible I am to my brother so really it's no big deal "

" you know I don't mean it that way "

"Well you said it anyway" and with that she started to leave but I kept going after her

"Nicole am sorry okay! Look let's just talk about what I came for and sort this out "

I say hoping that she'd listen and lucky me cause she actually did

"Let's just make this quick okay"

And I take my cue to step in front of her our noses almost touching and I think I could hear my heart trying to burst out of my chest from the rapid beating

"I really really like you"

I start... I was waiting to get a reaction from her but she didn't even blink

"Well...I like you too"
She hesitated I don't think she understands where am coming from
So I carried on

"I meant I like like you,as in more like not in a friend zone like.... like that feeling where your heartbeat increases when to you talk or think about that person that type of like where you smile like a freak when re-reading  each other's texts and stuff, the type of like where you-"

"Okay I get it, that was a lot of likes dude" she cut me of laughing

"Do you know you have the prettiest laugh even when you snort like a pig"

Wait that sounded like I was  insulting her

"A pig?? Seriously.... I laugh way better than you"
She says her smile growing bigger

"So let's just focus on what we're actually going to talk about...." she replies before I even got a chance to reply her
And this time, we were only a few inches from kissing each other and am really trying to suppress that urge but her constant smiling and pouting is making this conversation harder than it already is

"Sooo.... well uhm, do you like me back or?"

"Look, Nate, I really liked you before but you kinda led me on and you didn't really like me before and now I have a boyfr-"

I quickly cut her of by surprising myself and her by  brushing my lips against hers and I was expecting her to push me away and run but she grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me in for a kiss, I mean, not that I mind or anything

A really hot mind blowing kiss that if we weren't careful right now we would be arrested for making out on one of the benches of the waiting room

I was slowly and gently bringing my hands to the hem of her dress when she suddenly pulled away

"This is so wrong Nathan, am dating Bola and you're with Maddison and it's not fair to both"


"I don't care about them.... I just wanna be with you and I know that you want me to you literally just kissed me back!!"

I couldn't help but yell

"That was a very huge mistake.... I was just caught up in the moment and I-"


We both turned around and and saw Bola staring at us
As if on instinct we quickly moved away from each other and I wiped the pink lipstick off my cheek not that I care or something.... I just didn't want to ruin her relationship....... yet

"Uhm Bola, what are you doing here? I thought you said you where gonna wait outside "

"Well.. I waited but you never show... I thought something or someone *he gestured towards me with his eyes * was keeping you busy "

I just smirked at him and he grunts

" I'm sorry for keeping you waiting, common lets go"
Nicole says dragging him out while I winked at her but she just rolled her eyes

Nathan:1    Bola:0

A/N: so what do y'all think heh😇😇
I know!! I loved it too!
Anyway thanks again to those who decided to click on this book and follow through till now am so grateful also if you guys could check the short story am working on it's on my profile and it's totally different from this one like really different and it's religious related
Anyhoo... help a sister out by tapping on the lil star below your screen (really those of you who think you need internet to vote well... you can vote for a book even if you're offline it doesn't really change anything or uses up your data ☺️)

Anyway thanks 🙏🏾 again also I allow any type of comments either an advice on what you want the next chapter to be about or any mistake that I made so I can improve on my writing skills 😘
You could contact me through the details below




Snapchat:Laura Dedan


Have a wonderful week

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