Murder: her best friend was involved
Love: she got too involved
Hate: she was more than happy to give it her best shot
And that pretty much sums up Nicole Grey; curious teen who stops at nothing to avenge her best friends death but along the way...
After the whole Maddison drama yesterday I decided to plan what I had to do all week 1:get up 2:survive 3:go back to bed I really don't have time for anything else......... i went to my closet and removed the best clothing ever..... my Cinderella onesie (before you think am not a child I just sleep in them because it makes me comfortable) *beep* Am gonna ignore that *beep, beep!* Picking up my phone I saw that I had like over 300+ more followers on Instagram ......the shocking part is that they're all from school......I clicked on that tiny paper airplane thingy and I received a very disturbing picture from Maddison...and Nate..... Why would she send me that! What does she think I am ? Some jealous freak! I don't even know why am sooo worked up about all this when there's nothing going on between us . I'm gonna call Joan, besides,I need an update on how my job hunting went "I've been waiting for you to call!... anyway I got you a Job at the same restaurant as me but sadly....we won't be working together cause we have different shifts anyway get dressed cause your shift starts in 10" "Thanks but no thanks.......I already have plans for today " "By plans you mean sleeping and eating all day?" " know me so well " "Well,sorry to ruin your day already at your front door so you better carry that lazy part of you don't wanna be late in your first day" urghh "Coming ......... anyway who's gonna be my co-worker?" "Some Nigerian dude " "Okay"
Nate's pov
"Why would you do that!" What right does she think she has "Why are you so mad? Can't you be seen with me in public" what am I going to do with this girl..... "Listen and listen good cause am not gonna repeat myself "she answered by simply nodding her head "There's nothing going on between me and you...*i started talking gesturing towards myself and her*.... not by chance,not even in the next life,hell; not even when we're the last people on earth I will not and never have feelings for you okay?" Am surprised I could say so much in one breath "Okay.." Really "Just okay?" "Yeah,I understand if your not willing to open up but am gonna stick with you no matter what happens.....till death " somebody shoot me! "No no no...... you don't get it..... I don't want anything to do with you okay! Please just leave me alone " I yelled......seriously what is wrong with her?! "Look, whether you like it or aren't getting rid of me that easily " she replied and started walking to the door swaying her hips a little...those poor things...she'll end up breaking them just to impress people ♌️♌️♌️♌️♌️♌️♌️♌️♌️♌️♌️ Nicole's pov
The restaurant was so huge and very much fancy.....i walked in making sure I didn't break anything by just looking and drooling.......I successfully I made to the receptionist "Hi,am Nicole Grey and am supposed to start work today?" I asked politely and she just looked at me like I came from another planet "Walk straight then turn left towards the back your partner already came like 30 minutes ago " she replied bitterly "okay thanks " and with all the the self control in me I gave her one of my signature smiles and she just scoffed. Typical. I walked in the direction she told me to and quietly opened the door "It's about time you finally show up " I was greeted by a very good looking black dude "Sorry am Nicole by the way " I answered stretching my hand out for him to shake "Nice to meet Bola,your co-worker" "Cool.....I'm guessing you're Yoruba from Nigeria right?" "Yeah,how do you know so much?" "My moms from that country..... anyway so what am I supposed to do"I still feel pain even by just calling her name much less calling her mom, because a mother would never do or even think about what she did to me...... I can never forget about it even though I try so hard to forgive and put the past behind me as memories of that week keeps hunting me. "Well you can start by cleaning the tables and mopping the floors......I've already washed the plates " urghh and here I was thinking I escaped doing chores at home "I think you should better hurry up....seeing that you already met miss grumps " "Seriously.....miss grumps" I laughed "Yes miss grumps. Short for grumpy........I've never met such a woman like that" "You should see how I meet grumpy old ladies at the mall trying to get the same dress size as me" then he started laughing.....and I've never seen such white shiny me or I'll become a goner "You haven't met angry Nigerian ladies yet....... you'd be scared to death to be in the same room with one of them" "I'm sure it's not a big of a deal " he just smiled and said"I'll just let you meet one first.....then you'll understand " "Kay, so I um better start moving before miss grumps feeds me to stray dogs " I replied and walked out..............picking a broom at the right corner of the restaurant,an idea came to my head........and then I started singing to piss her off "🎶it's a hard knock life,for me, it's a hard knock life for me, when am in a's a hard knock life 🎶" I sang at the top of my lungs "You know I can hear you right?" Pretending I didn't hear a word she said I started singing again only this time a different song "🎶cinderelly,cinderelly every thing is cinderelly.....🎶" and she stood up and charged towards me with blood shot eyes and smoky ears and somebody save me!
A/N: I have a feeling that Nikki and miss grumps are gonna be best of friends don't you think?sooo I added a new character......Bola, whose Nigerian and loves to cook ,especially locally made food from his hometown 😜 anyway listen to seventeen by Alesia cara for this chapter and have a wonderful day!! 💋💋
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