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"What if he doesn't want to see me?"

"Don't worry, he will, he has to,you're his sister" he replies averting his gaze from his phone to look at me

"Am not so sure Bola, I treated him in the most horrible manner, let's just go back home.
I turn and started going but he held me back

" you're already here, no matter what happens you're still his sister and one day, his going to forgive you..... You just gotta take the risk"

He's right.  I can't keep running away from him anymore, if anything, I should be apologizing to him...... But what if..

"Stop thinking about what if, you're already here so just think about the present right now"

As if he read my mind

Well for those wondering, am already in front of that glass thingy waiting to talk to Jamie

As if on cue I saw him staggering towards me on the opposite side of the glass

"Am going to leave you both alone"

"Please don't leave me" I almost cried"

Then he smiles and cupped my cups my cheek and says

"I'll be in the car"

And he left me!

When I turn,I realize that Jamie was already seated and he had bruises and cuts all over his face, I picked up the phone and spoke

"Jamie what happened to you!"

"And you would care because?"

"Because am your sister, I always care about you Jamie I -"

"Then you must be a wonderful sister then,since you can't believe your brother when he says he didn't do something because you obviously don't know him well enough to tell if his guilty or not ."

I suck in a very deep breath, calm dome Nicole, this is for Jamie, its your fault, just calm down

"I didn't know Jamie i-"

"My name is James" he cut me off again

"James, I know jumping into conclusions was not the best idea at the moment but to confirm things before reacting but I did the complete opposite and am really sorry about that I just kept making everything all about me and-"

"-and now you finally realized how selfish you are,honestly, I don't want an explanation from you right now or ever, I just need you to leave me alone! Okay.... I most definitely do not need your pity right now or ever since you couldn't defend me from day one!"

Then a pang of hurt and guilt swept through me, its my fault his like this !

He doesn't want any thing to do with me anymore.

I hadn't realized that I was crying till I felt my blouse wet

"Please wipe that water off your face, you ain't fooling me"

"Jamie-sorry-james , I am so sorry I just wanna help you! Hate me all you want but at least listen to what I have to say there's a huge possibility that you're innocent and I just-"

"-and the best sister in the world award goes to *starts drumming his fingers on the table* Nicole Eva Grey"

"Can't you see that am trying to talk to you! Am trying to reason with you and all you wanna do is to push me away! I get that you're mad at me for not believing in you but don't you think a part me knows that you didn't do it! I still can't have enough sleep not  knowing how much pain you must be going through staying in-in this place for weeks before you're trial! Whatever you say now, won't change the fact that I want to help you, whether you like it or not!"

I expect him to at least give me a chance as I noticed him thinking about something...

"If you're done, please kindly leave" he answers and walked away


Nathan's POV

"Babe where are you going this early?"


Not this again... Its enough that I have to see her face each and every single day

"I don't have to tell you every single thing...".      I replied rubbing my temple with two fingers

"But as your girlfriend I have every right to know where you are,what you're doing and who you hang out with"

How did I get myself into this mess....

"Fine you want to know where am going?
Am going to the courthouse today for Jamie's trial"

Then from smiling, the corners of her lips twisted in the most horrible way turning into a frown

"Why would you do that! I thought I told you to personally stay away from them'

" Give me a break Maddy, you technically said Nicole not Jamie, besides, I have to be there to support him and her in any way I can. I'm just being a good friend. "

Seeing that she wasn't going to protest again I continued

"You don't have to come with me if you're uncomfortable with it"

"No no nononono . no way! I'm very comfortable with you going to support your friends....... Infact ,am coming with you"

What have I gotten myself into

"No its fine really, I don't want to force you into coming with me, you already have a lot to worry about and-"

"-what nonsense! You're not forcing me to do anything,I want to be with you,even if it means supporting the people I detest"

She cut me off and went to change....

To be honest,I don't know why she decided to move in with me.... We're still in highschool for goodness sake!

*at the courthouse*

When we arrived at the courtroom, Madison won't leave my arm the entire drive here..... And now I can't feel my left arm because of how numb it is

I use my eyes to scan the room to look for Nicole

"Babe, what are you looking for... Am right here"


Thank God she kept quiet after that short answer

After what seemed like hours searching for her I finally spotted her with Bola

I just badly wanna rip his hands off her waist

He's lucky the judge came right in though

"All stand"

A/N:😉😉 Sooo?
Anyway I know some of u might think that Jamie was too mean to Nikki but if you really see where he was coming from,you'd understand the pain he felt...

Lol some of you thought it was actually Jamie tho

Anyway don't forget to tell me what y'all think😁😁


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