A day with the characters😊😊

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Jamie: really Laura?? You just had to make Nicole hate me more??

Aurthor: look,that was just a chapter I'm sure she didn't really mean it

Nicole:*glares at aurthor *
Oh I did mean everything I say he should rot in jail for all I care.... he killed Tori!

Nate:now you're just being mean Nikki! The police just found the fingerprints on the murder weapon.... what happened to confirm before concluding?

Joan:yeah I mean he is you're brother

Author: you guys better stop giving her ideas on being nice to Jamie she's supposed to hate him

Nancy: what kind of author are you anyway

Aurthor:aren't you supposed to be dead??

Jamie:yeah Laura. Make her love me again


Author:shut up!  I'm the one one writing the book so I get to choose what happens it's all for your own benefit

Jamie: I don't see how am benefiting here

Bola: yeah me too!! U people just forget me so

Nicole:bola if never forget you you know that right?

Maddison:your a fool if u believe her Bola *turns to Nicole and gives her a once over*
What is it about her that you guys can't see in other girls??

Nate:you won't understand cause we don't either

*bola and Nathan looking at Nicole with love sick eyes *

Author *slaps them both *
Okay no PDA here there are minors reading

Jamie:pfft! It's not like they've never seen people kiss before

Joan: you know what? Just get on with the next chapter cause we need more juice

Readers: yeah!!

Joan: and we just wanna know if Jamie is actually guilty or not!

Readers: yeah!

Joan: and we wa–

Author:okay I get it am going now

Anyway don't forget to read vote and comment your thoughts also pls check out our love on edge by remi_sola she's really good and a glow up with the devil by Kyli_ha_ll also found by RuthGyang930 and
My website is finally up more like a blog sha
So till the next chapter guys
Also follow my Instagram and add me on Snapchat


Snapchat:Laura Dedan

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