1 "I remember you..."

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G's Pov


Darn, It!

Ink teleported me in another Au. and told me I was stuck there for a week and couldn't go home until I finished the price I had to pay. I don't even know where I am, But. This place seemed...familiar. Too similar in my opinion. And I did not like the feeling it was giving me. Like the vibe around me went colder, and heavier. Like memories that were holding me down trying to get me to remember. 

I shifted my bones uncomfortably and began to walk in Snowdin. It was quiet, but then I started to see other monsters coming out of there houses. I ran into the forest and kept hidden as I light up a cigarette to calm myself from the odd feeling I was getting from this AU. It started to bug me badly to the point I wanted to get out of the AU and run. Run so far from it that I will feel okay again and not this uncomfortable feeling. 

"Anxiety...I haven't felt that..since. Highschool..back when..I was..with and around Him..."

I shook my head closing my eye sockets, no way was I here. For one I didn't wanna be here at all. For two he could kill me, ripping me apart like I was nothing, I kept walking. Then I stopped and watched someone walk out of Grillby's. 

No, I..couldn't be in his au. Was I? I needed out of there, and out of there fast. I wouldn't survive here, not even for long. He'd kill me right when he saw me. I felt my anxiety rise as I looked around trying to think of a plan. 

But I couldn't help myself but watch his movements. He was still that hot bastard that would protect me in school from anyone who had the guts to try and kill me or hurt me. And then would take me to the boy's locker room after school hours and fuck the shit out of me. Until I'd pass out, and wake up in his bed with him the next morning doing the same thing almost every other day. 

We never officially said we were a 'thing'. But we acted like one all the time. We'd hang out all the time, hiding in bathrooms kissing each other and fucking each other. He'd protect me, and I'd give him what he wanted. Letting him take control of me, me being his sex toy around 99.9% of the time we were together.

I missed him, but. Our big fight ruined our friendship or anything we had between us forever, I still remember that day clearly. 

A girl spread a rumor around me killing his brother when I didn't, I only meet his brother once. His brother didn't like me but I still showed him respect since It was Fell's younger brother. But he believed them being brained washed with rage and anger building up. And with that, he ended up beating the shit out of me, as we yelled at each other. Bringing our once beautiful friendship to an end. Never talking to each other again forgetting about that we even knew each other. Or even was close to being a couple...

I watched him as we walked into his house, I couldn't help myself but follow him to it. Wait, why am I following him?! He could kill me if he saw me, well if he even remembered me. It was a few years ago now since the huge fight.  I sat in a tree waiting for it to turn into night. So I could sneak in and talk with him once I found the right timing. 

"Let's just hope he doesn't kill me..."

I saw him walk out onto his balcony as I took the chance to jump from the tree onto the balcony as he jumped startled then smirked at me.

"Oh, I remember you...long time no see G."

''Indeed it has Fell. Mind talking for a bit without killing me...?"

"I guess. But hey...I did find out the truth in it all G."

"Took ya long enough, to finally Fucking realize it."

"G...I'm sorry. I really Fucking am."

I shifted looking down, and that's when my anxiety attack finally kicked in fully. I missed him badly, but I was afraid of him still. He almost killed me, and I knew he would do it again if he wanted to at this moment. 

Fell G noticed me as he moved closer lifting my chin up as I stared into his eye lights. His iris was always so much more beautiful than mine was. I couldn't help but just stare at him. He tilted my head softly cleaning closer to me, he still was slightly taller than I was. I couldn't push him away, I had to let him do what he wanted.

If he was gonna forgive me, I was gonna let him.

He leaned down and kisses me softly as I close my eye sockets grabbing the railing leaning back. I missed this, I missed him. 

I missed everything about him, and just us as a 'thing'

I still felt my anxiety is horrible.

-Kyler Lynn

Until THEN losers mwahaha

-871 words 

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