10 "Lexi...?"

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G's Pov

That girl somehow got out of the prison. Her father was the warden!! And didn't want his 'little princess' in there.  That pissed me right off, but it didn't bug Fell much brushing it off. And acting as nothing happened. 

And that also Ticked me right off. 

The Girls name was...


Yeah, yeah That's her name.

I shifted sitting in the spare bedroom whenever Fell left. I'd sit in there for hours and hours until he got home. 

But he didn't come home that night, he was probably drunk and doing something. I growled annoyed. I loved him, but he was pissing me off. Making my anxiety go nuts again. 

I was shaky, as it turned into midnight. I felt like I was trapped in a small room, as it slowly began to suffocate me. I panted walking into the kitchen to see what I could use to calm down. No Alcohol. That pissed me off, Fell either drank it all, hid it, or took it somewhere. 

I groaned, then heard the front door open, I smiled and was about to walk up to see him. Then I stopped in my tracks. He was talking with Lexi, I backed up staying quiet and listened. He was drunk...and probably high as well. I then heard him bring her upstairs, I looked out of the kitchen to see her holding his hand...and partially undressing herself, with her other hand. I wanted to throw up, I wanted to run and never come back. I looked around and grabbed my keys and phone, that being the only thing I've been living off with being here.

I looked backstopping in my tracks, I stared at his bedroom door. If I left, he'd go nuts. But then again, what he is doing I count as cheating. And using me, as a game yet again. 

I growled and walked out slamming the door, I was so shaky. I hated it, I was literally panicking so bad. I didn't know where to go. I then smirked. 

Grillby's. He always was there for me when needed. 

~TemMiE hAz BroAghtz TeM Skipppppz~

I woke up and stared at the ceiling, I couldn't sleep at all. I kept waking up having nightmares panicking to the point I was afraid to wake Grillby up. He luckily brought me to his home, him and Muffet were engaged. And didn't mind me being around, I was literally so quit and kept everything clean. They wouldn't even know I was here. 

Grillby lucky enough knew Fell came to the bar in the morning, well. Muffet's bakery that was next door. He offered to scare the shit out of him. Of course, I agreed, he deserved it. 

Fell's POV

My head hurt like hell, I opened my eye sockets and looked around. I was alone...? In bed? I was confused, G was always there. ALWAYS. I got up and sighed looking at myself, I had a horrible migraine. What did I do...

Well, Fuck. I went and got drunk, hanging out with Lexi. SHIT

I must have brought her back here, and fucked her. G might be fucking pissed at me. 

I got up fully and dressed, I had no clue where the hell he'd be. I tried calling his phone, of course, he didn't answer. Fuck. I fucked up bad. 

I sighed and grabbed my stuff going into town. I should give him at least a day, well. If he survives a day! I started to make my way down to Muffet's bakery, I saw Grillby outside of it talking on the phone. Well, might as well be nice, well try and be nice, and say hello.

"Heya Gr-"

He hung up his phone call and crossed his arms, he looked pissed? Okay, what did I do? Yeah, I was at his bar all night, making a mess and starting shit. But that's fuckin normal. 

"I don't wanna see you around my bar anymore."

"Um, sorry to say but what did I do?"

"Hm, well as it seems you don't remember. You brought someone else, to the bar. Instead of your boyfriend leaving him home alone all day? That's what you Did Fell G."

I stared at him, well FUCK. 

G never asked for help, and now he got Grillby against me? Well, I'm not that surprised. Grillby was like a father, best friend, to G. Not surprised to see him pissed off at me.

"Look, I was drugged. And wasn't in control-"

"I don't wanna hear your story Fell G. You had a choice to leave him home at the beginning of the day, and you choose to. You can't blame anyone else but you."

"I am telling the truth. I went out to come back right away, then I got drugged and remember nothing! Now, where is G."

I glared at him, trying to scare him. But he didn't faze at all, G probably ahs acted the same way at points. But I knew Grillby was pissed at me for hurting G. But I was more pissed that I couldn't even see G. 

I growled and walked away going back home. I was pissed to a point I wanted to kill someone, but I knew if I did. I'd be in prison, and G would not be at all happy with my actions. 


I rubbed my face laying in bed, I hated life so much at this moment, Fell...Cheated? In a way? Like yeah, he was drunk but could have stopped her at any moment. 

I hid my face into a pillow slightly hugging it, I refused to move out of the room and out of bed at that. I was literally heartbroken it felt. 

Grillby sighed walking in and sat on the bed rubbing my shoulder. 

"Come on G..."

"No...leave me alone..."

"G. Come on bud, you need to eat...or at least get out of this room"

"No...I'm not moving..."

He sighed giving up and left me be.  I shifted and pulled out my phone, finally looking at it mumbling under my breath.

"20 missed calls...15 unread text messages...All from one person."

I sighed and opened the messages and didn't bother to read them, I instantly texted him.

G) Meet me at the Park in town, by the lake. Midnight.

After that, I knew he was texting me, but I didn't wanna read them setting my phone down waiting for the time to come. 

-Kyler Lynn


TemMiE HaZ Broughten ChU TeM FlAkEzzz

-1059 words 

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