5 "2 More Days..."

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I groaned as Fell sat on my ribcage, I was laying across the whole couch where he wanted to sit with me and cuddle. But for me, being an ass, wouldn't let him. So he sat on top of me, but luckily not on my pelvis area. Since I was still sore their. 

I tried to push him off, he growled and pinned me down hard as I blush a light golden yellow as I smirk at him. 

He smirks back and leans down kissing me deeply, I had to admit it. He was a good kisser! 

And it bugged me, Cuz I thought I was the good kisser!

He traced his hand down my hip as I shutter in slight pain, but felt the urge to like it and almost fucking MOAN like a needle little slut.

Haha, that stupid asshole. He used to call me his needily little slut. 

Cuz I'd moan like a little whore when we fucked. Then beg him for more minutes later, I didn't realize how...bad I was in high school. I was always either drunk or high. Mostly both at the same time.

He pulled away realizing I was deep in thought as he waved his hand over my face trying to get my attention. But I couldn't snap out of my daze. He sighed and then traced his hand down my pants onto my member. I yelped snapping out of the daze, it was throbbing with pain and a bit of need. Clearly missing Fell as much as I did and have. 


"Ya were dazed out. what was I supposed to do? Kiss you without enjoyment? Nah. So I touched ya were I knew ya would snap out"

"G-get yer hand off it!"

He chuckled and pulled his hand away as I sighed relived blushing a darker yellow. He smirked and moved closer biting my bottom 'lip' as he kissed me some more. Damn him, he knew what I liked. 

Kissing, and just being held close to someone. And he knew how to do it in every moment. 

I pulled away then pushed him off of me, he started to get touchy after a while. AND I did not want to be touched more than I have been with my stay here. 

He laughed as he sat on the floor staring at me, his expression changing as his tone of voice got flat with no emotion. 

"When do ya have to leave...?"

"Just...2 More Days..."


"Why what?"

He sighs annoyed as he looks at me seriously.


I shuttered at him voice yelling at me, I sat up and looked away from him. He growled and walked overtaking my face hard to look at him. He was pissed, but I could tell he was also scared of what I could get myself into at the prison.

"What did you do G..."

"I fucked up! Okay?! I ain't the good person you know anymore!!" 

"Just tell me!"

"I murdered someone!!"

He froze as he stared at me hooked.

"Ya don't..no. ya fuckin wouldn't"


I shifted pushing him away as I looked away curling up on the couch slightly feeling bad I snapped at him. I never was the one that would yell or snap at him. 

He shook his head and walked over, taking my face before I could pull away he kissed me deeply pinning me to the couch. 

"2 more days...and. Ill officially call ya my Boyfriend."

"But...i..no. Fell"

"Shut up. I don't give a monkey flying ass. I love ya..."

"Asshole...I love you too..but. Ima be in prison..how is it..gonna work out?"

He smirked and leaned closer whispering to me deeply.

"Its called framing someone else~ to take yer place in prison. So ya can get out and be with me silly~"

I blushed darkly as he traced his hands up my rib cage touching each one of my rips as he kissed me deeply. I moved my hand up his shirt and grabbed one of his sensitive rips as he blushes a light red and growls at me making me laugh.

He must have just remembered I knew where they were. 

Since we played a little game when we were drunk after school had ended for the summer. We were touching each other. Soon we trusted each other enough to tell were our sensitive spots were. His was his ribs and his member. 

And mine, was my neck, my tongue, and as well as my member pelvis area. and he used to love teasing me whenever he got the chance too. Sometimes even in the middle of class, when we both sat in the back. He'd reach under the table and grab my member smirking, I'd blush dark and almost punch him across the face. 

I chuckled and smiled as we cuddled throughout the night.

-Kyler Lynn


-795 words 

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