7 "Let me OUT"

64 7 1

G's Pov

I hated it here, it was worse than what it already was. 

You'd think, Prison is cells. Inmates, roommates, and that such. 

But not for me!!

I soon found out, I was one of the most powerful monsters in there and I even scared half the guards. So they locked me up in the back cells. Where it's dark, you're alone. And no bars, just a metal door that held you in. And what was even worse was they put a magic blocker thing on me. That went around my neck, and did it fucking hurt!

Every time I tried to use my magic, they'd shock me. And my fucking god it hurt so bad. 

I hated it here, they wouldn't even let me have visitors. Which probably pissed Fell off badly. But he was still gonna try to see me anyways. 

But there was one upside to it all, Undyne was there. Echotale Undyne and my brother were training to become a guard as well. He'd soon be here as well. Undyne told them Papyrus should watch me since I'm his older brother and he wouldn't be in danger. 

Undyne and Paps were the only two guards here, that wasn't scared of me. Well, I didn't know for sure about my brother. But I knew he wouldn't be scared. 

I shifted in my cell being locked up for the whole day, maybe even a week for scaring a guard badly. I mean, scaring them was Fun. But I got caught and got in trouble. 

A few more days had passed. 

Around, a week or more in here now. 

Papyrus was coming in today, but Undyne didn't tell him I was here. He'd flip out and be all upset losing his focus. 

I sat in my cell waiting, I could hear him and Undyne walking back as she talked to him.

"Are you sure about this Undyne?"

"Papy I'm very sure! You've worked so hard, I think you should be a personal guard to this inmate."

"Hm, well it seems odd. Why someone down here...?"

"Papy, I'll be there with you. Your kind words and calmness...might be useful to them"

"Alright then Undyne! I can't wait to meet them!"

"Oh, it shall be a Huge Suprise."

I sighed laying my head back against the wall as my mind slowly drifted off, I still had bite barks along my neck that were scaring from Fell's teeth. That fucker and my member and pelvis still throbbed but not as bad. 

Undyne pulled her keys out and hesitated before unlocking my cell, I opened my eye sockets staring at the door... 

"Papyrus, You should know this..inmate may be dangerous."

"Nonsense Undyne! I bet there...Brother..?"

He stared at me shocked and confused. I smiled a little in a bit of pain from the collar.

"Aye Bro..."

"B-but How are you in here?"

"Let's say...I was framed from something I didn't do..."

"F-framed?! And they put you back Here BROTHER?!"

I nod as he looked at Undyne who nodded, he rushed in and hugged me tightly. Of course, I hugged him back, he was my little brother. And at times, I worried him badly. 

"I..Brother. It's been a long time Sans. But...wait a minute! They put a collar on you?!"

"Yeah..they did Bro"

He mumbled to himself shaking his head then looked at me.

"Promise you ain't gonna hurt anyone or try to escape if I take it off?"

"I promise on my life, just please take it off"

It started to hurt more and more each day, It felt like it was gonna kill me. 

He noticed me in pain and pulled out a key taking it off and handed it to Undyne. My fucking god, I wanted to cry. It hurt so bad, but now that it's off. It would end my suffering.

Paps frowned and looked at my neck to see the damage done. Only to see bite marks, his eye widens as he stared at me.

"Is that...?"

"Fell G's..."

Fell G's POV

I hated every second I was away from him. 

It was driving me insane!! I found out someone framed G into murder, and I had a high guess it was that girl that kept coming over each day. She kept staying hours and hours right after G had to go. 

She kept trying to flirt with me and kiss me, and I DIDN"T FUCKIN LIKE IT.

I knew G saw the lipstick smudge on me the last time I saw him, and I could literally see his soul crack. AND I WASN'T A HAPPY PERSON AFTER THAT.

No one and I means NO fuckin one hurts G. I ain't gonna let that happen, cuz I loved him. And he is MINE. 

"Felly oh come on~"

"Get the fuck out of here. Ya hurt the one person in my life that made me happy. And ya keep hurting him. I know it was you, that told everyone that he killed my brother."

I got up walking over to her, my anger taking over me as my eye flicked a deep red.

"I knew your only plan was to have me to yourself. Ya Framed him into murdering someone, so he could get away as soon as ya found out he was gonna come see me. Ya Deserve to be in that hell hole, NOT G."

I growled as her eyes widen as she fell onto the floor her back again a wall. I saw her bag drop, then it finally clicked. I saw her plans, all of them.

"Now, yer gonna be in there. Right after I give ya a lesson. Ya don't mess with the people I love."

-Kyler Lynn

Until then!

Lookkkkkk I made a long Chappy for this story!

hehe, make sure you vote and share!

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Thank you for reading!

See you Cookies in the next Chappy!

-953 words 

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