13 "Blacked out"

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Fell's POV

He blacked out!! I hated when that happened...it scared me shitless. Thinking I was gonna lose him fully. And that gave me nightmares. 

I sighed holding him against my chest, cradling him. He seemed so much weaker than I remember him being. He was way stronger back in highschool. What was making him so weak? OR was he acting weak...?

I didn't know, and to be fuckin honest didn't wanna know. 

I really didn't care, I just loved him for him. 

I frowned rubbing his skull rubbing my finger against his cracks. Until my finger brushed against his lips. And damn it I was gonna lose it, yeah he was in pain. But damn he was so fuckin sexy when he was sleeping, even in my arms!

I looked around, why? I don't know. I do that when I feel odd.

I leaned down and kissed him softly moving him closer against me, he couldn't kiss back. But damn it was healing him!

I pulled away softly smirking as he shifted slightly moving closer to me. I chuckled holding him rubbing his back.

I sighed happily and cuddled him to make sure he was gonna be okay.

I felt my eye sockets go heavy as I fall asleep. 


I shifted waking up in the morning. God my head hurts a lot, I wanted to throw up. 

I tried to get up only to get pulled back down, I looked around confused seeing Fell asleep holding onto me tightly. 

I frowned and leaned into him, damn it he was warm and so cuddly! I couldn't help but just lay there. Damn it. This fucking skeleton loves to play with my head at times. Alright Yeah, I love him, but he still cheated...and it still hurt me. But I couldn't help but go back to him. 

I groaned shifting then try to push him off the bed as I smirked. 

"Don't do it G..."

"Watch me"

"G. I swear to g-"

I laughed hard pushing him off then laid across the whole bed hugging his jacket that he took off. 

"The bed and your jacket is now mine."

He growled then smirked sitting up leaning against the bed watching me.

"Why you watching me weirdo''

"Yer cuddling my jacket~ It's cute"

I blush a dark golden yellow then hid my face into his jacket, damn it. Wait, now ima keep his jacket cuz damn! He smells good. 

"Could I have my jacket back please Sweetheart~"

"Never. Mine now"

He rolled his eye lights as I hid my face into his jacket more laying on it hugging it.

He got up and slabbed my ass making me jump up blushing more and glare at him more. 

"Haha~ Give it back now Sweetheart~"

"N-no! You slapped my ass!"

"Don't make me do it again~"

I glared and threw him his jacket then frowned, I actually wanted to hold onto it longer. 

I laid back down all depressed wanting it back. 

"Oh don't be sad~"

"I want it back..."

"Nope its mine silly~"

-Kyler Lynn 

Until then 

500 words 

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