6 "Goodbye..."

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I woke up, it was my last full day with Fell.

I hated that I had to leave, I and him just had gotten close again and now I had to leave him for how knows how long now...I actually started to get comfortable around him again. And I felt safe! Like I wasn't gonna walk out of my house and be cased down to be arrested. 

I sighed sitting outside on the porch smoking a cigarette as it rained hard.

I blew smoke out and sighed trying to calm myself down from what had coming for me. And Fell wasn't gonna be there to protect me or save me from anyone else. I would have to stand up for myself. Like I have been since Fell left me from our fight. Now that I'm back with him, it scared me. 

I heard the front door open as I blew smoke out holding up my cigarette as Fell took it blowing smoke out as he sat down next to me handing it back as we shared the cigarette. 

He knew it was my last day, but hated to admit it that I was leaving him for who knows how long.

I took the cigarette back putting it in my mouth to take a hit of it.

"That counts as kissing~"

"Oh hush up."

I blew smoke out in his face as he winked at me leaning closer taking the cigarette back finishing it up. He leaned closer to my face and blew smoke out back into my face then kissed me.

He smelt like and tasted like smoke.

I enjoyed it as he moved closer sliding his tongue into my mouth deepening the kiss.

I moved closer against him as he lighted another cigarette handing it to me as I pulled away taking a hit of it then kissed him again as he took it from me.

He pulled away and took a hit of the cigarette and looked away blowing it out as he looked out into the forest. Probably thinking about something, or about me. He loved to fantasize about me daydreaming of just. ME. He told me back in high school that he'd daze out staring at me or just dazing out thinking about me. 

I sighed, I knew he was gonna say we were officially a thing now. But I couldn't help but feel some regret. I had to leave, leaving him alone.

He noticed me deep in thought thinking about everything that might happen to me or him when I leave, as he flicked my skull. I jumped as he chuckled kissing my neck as I lean into him.

He seemed upset, he hated the thought. That I just came back to leave again.

I flicked him in the face as he gasped

"Payback is A bitch"

He rolled his eyes then pinned me against the porch floor as he leaned down about to kiss me, but then we heard someone's throat clear as he rolled his eye lights looking up to see the same girl again.

"What ya want now. I'm busy if ya can see!"

"Hey felly ~ I need to ask you a small favor"

"Look. I'm not in the mood and it isn't the right time right now to talk about one of your little needs. "

"Pfft, you can take a few minutes off of your...little toy to talk with me can't you?"

He growled wanting to kill her, I sighed getting up and walked inside as he frowned at me walking away from them to give her privacy.

I wanted to listen and hear what she had to say to fell making me go away. 

After a while fell came back in and sat down next to me, I looked down as he took my face and kissed me deeply holding me to him tightly.  I noticed he had a little red lipstick on his lips, that girl probably kissed him. And he let her to my guessing. I felt like my soul was gonna break into a million pieces. But I wasn't gonna say anything about it...

No... no this can't be happening...

It was coming closer to that time...

"Goodbye G..."

-Kyler Lynn
Sorry for the short Chappy! I will try and fix it possibly as soon as I can! I couldn't get it off my mind and didn't wanna forget.

Until then!
519 words

(Edit: I PROMISED TO FIX THIS, so I am. Since I might be making yet again another 2 more new stories- I really need to finish my other ones or else ima just be in a deep hole of unfinished stories. But thank you for all the love in this story and for my other story!

My Dearest Love~

Well enjoy this update/fixing prosses!

795 words~

"2 Different Souls" (Fell G x G Sans)Where stories live. Discover now