12 "Come home..."

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I looked around seeing it was only getting later and later into the night.

"Ya should...come home with me G..."
"Grillby would kill you if I did."
"Sweetheart I don't care! I want ya to be safe...and I know for a fact when I ain't near ya...ya get separation anxiety..."

I frowned looking away knowing he was right about that, yet again I still was healing from his acts. But I knew he wasn't in control in the first place.

"I know..."
"Ya got everything ya need Then Sweetheart?"
"Yes, I do..."

He nodded and looked down at me taking my hand and lifted my chin up kissing me softly to calm down fully.

I sighed into the kiss happily kissing back as it helped a bunch.

I knew some people or monsters weren't gonna accept us as a couple. Who wouldn't? Yeah, two skeleton monsters who are criminals that are gay. Well, Fell was gay. I didn't really know to be honest, but damn it I was in love with his stupid fucking face.

He pulled away and teleported us back to his place.

"Come on...it's late and ya probably need rest."
"What gave that away...?"
"Yer one. Blacking out. Two, yer clingy more.."
"Fine fine I'll rest..."

He sighed smirking then winked making me look all confused. He then walked over and picked me up bridal style.

"A-aye!! Ima kill you Fell!"
"Nope~ Ya wouldn't do it."

I glared at him making him laugh as he kissed my neck trying to comfort me from all the stress I had. Getting out of prison, no being in prison still scared me. Yeah, I was big and strong and all. But prison, I hated it.

That collar as well still scared me. It drained me so badly, it still scared me. 

I sighed as he carried me to his house, I kept close against him. I couldn't help but daze out, Did I truly love him? Well yes, yes I do. But why do I feel this pain deep down that is making my soul hurt with fear. I whined as Fell shifted me slightly in his arm.



He set me down as I stared at him confused. We then walked past a group from the Mafia. My Mafia at that, of course, Fell didn't know but I knew. What bugged me the most was that he set me down. After holding me saying he loved me. Now he was acting like he wasn't even in love. 

I frowned and rolled my eye lights then smirked as one of my men nodded at me, as we passed by one handed me a package. I nodded tipping him instantly. 

"Why did you set me down.?"

He shifted on the couch as we finally got home.

"Because...ya were getting heavy?"

I rolled my eyes pissed, I was not heavy compared to him. He did it cause he wanted to see cool around people. And not a softy towards me. 

I growled when he got up and tried to hug me, he looked at me confused.


"You're an asshole do you know."

I walked away going downstairs into the spare bedroom, why did I even come back? Like damn it, I loved him. But why, WHY was he acting like this. I laid down and hugged a pillow tightly, I wanted to cry.

 I wanted to rip my soul apart into millions of little pieces right in front of him. 

I whimpered curling up and getting comfortable, taking my jacket off, my sweater. Boots, belt then finally my shirt. I was hot and sweaty from all the stress. I shifted in bed trying to fall asleep and move on from this day. But I couldn't bring myself to. 

Hours later, I had finally was half asleep. But still awake enough to know what was going on around me. I heard my door open then shut, I felt Fell's hands move up my back onto my shoulder blades as he leaned into me. 

"God...I know I'm such a dick to ya Sweetheart. I don't even know why! I just...am I guess...I don't even know why ya stay with me half the time."

I shifted a little as he cuddled closer against my back, trying to calm himself down and hopefully me from nightmares.

But All I could focus on was the aching in my soul. It hurt.

I started to cough hard as I shifted. Damn it hurt like hell. 

"W-Woah! G Sweetheart Breath!"

He held me against him as I coughed hard.

I tried to calm down, but I felt like I couldn't

I started to blackout.

Soon after that, I remember nothing from then on until I woke up.

-Kyler Lynn

Until then

772 words 

"2 Different Souls" (Fell G x G Sans)Where stories live. Discover now