11 "Why meet me here..."

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It was finally midnight, and I was slowly and quietly sneaking out. Grillby suggested that I don't go out and meet him or anyone at that since I ain't in the best of health.

I sighed pulling my hood up, and lit a cigarette to calm my horrible anxiety attack I kept getting. I shifted my bones trying to feel better.

I leaned against a tree by the lake, and waited for him to come. Of course he wasn't late, why would he? When he fucked up our relationship in the first place.


He touched my shoulder as I jumped pulling away

"Don't touch me..."
"G let me explain..."
"What is their to explain...you cheated."
"No I didn't! G please let me explain..."

I frowned looking away walking to the lake, he groaned and followed trying to grab my hand.

I stopped as my anxiety attack started to get worse as I shakes horrible.

"G...I was drugged..."

I couldn't answer him, I wanted to throw up. I wanted to so badly fuckin cry my eye sockets out. I was in pain...


I almost blacked out as he grabbed me holding me to him tightly, trying to calm me down. I hated my anxiety. If I wasn't by him, I wasn't even barely alive. I couldn't see, or think properly...

"Come here Sweetheart...I gotcha...I'm here"
"Why what...?"
"Why hurt me Fell..."
"I didn't mean it...I really didn't. I'm telling ya the truth. And nothing but the truth to ya G"
"Promise me. To never. Do anything like that again Fell...promise me."

He nods slowly holding my tighter to him as I hug him tightly hiding my face into his chest.

"Oh ya big baby..."
"S-shut up..."

I didn't realize my voice was shuddering, and my face was wet. Well now i am crying, and I didn't want him to see it. I gripped on his jacket tighter as he stared down at me confused.

"Are...ya crying Sweetheart?"
"Don't lie...I know ya are"

I shaked my head as he sighed holding me tighter as the night soon got darker. Ending th day.

-Kyler Lynn
Until then ❤️

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