2 "I Can't do this again..."

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Fell G slowly pulled away still leaning against me being close, my breath got shaky as my anxiety soon started to get over me. I couldn't breathe, my vision was shaky and blurry as I stared at him. 

He slowly traced his hand up my chest and onto my cheekbone holding it as he leaned down to kiss me again. I whispered softly to him as he got closer. 

"I can't do this again...I..don't wanna be hurt..I.."

"shh, I ain't gonna hurt you again. I promise..."

I shivered as he kissed me again, moving closer to me as he grabbed my waist with his other hand. I kissed back a little feeling like I was gonna pass out, my head was spinning with thoughts. 

He pulled away my breath was shaky, he stared at me. 

"G, what's wrong?"

I shook my head, soon I passed out almost falling off the balcony. Fell grabbed me and sighed holding me close as he picked me up to bring me inside.

After what seemed forever. I woke up in a dark room, on a bed. Fuck no! No!

I sat up almost hitting my head thinking I was in his room, then...I wasn't? Wait where am I?

I looked around then realized it was a spare bedroom in the basement.  I sighed relieved, I slowly got up fully as I felt my anxiety slowly calm down a little. Why am I so..anxious around him and I Passed out in front of him at that!?

Then it hit me, I was scared. That he was gonna hurt me, or take advantage of me...using me just as a fling anytime he wants. Fucking with my emotions. 

I hugged myself tightly feeling like I was gonna start to cry as I panicked. 

I was scared, I loved him. But I was scared out of my mind that he was gonna kill me. I didn't want him to hurt me, it wasn't even my fault the first time. Yet he blamed me and tried to kill me!

I put my head into my hands looking down as I shook just wanting answers.

I heard the door open and close as I felt his hands rub my shoulder to comfort me. I knew deep down, he cared and was a softy. He always had a huge soft side for me. He still does. I let him rub my shoulders as he tugs on my arm hugging me softly resting his head on my shoulder.

"What's wrong ya big baby..."

"Shut up...just...leave me alone..I..told you...I cant....d..do.."

He lifted up my face to see me better, he placed his thumb on my lips to keep me quiet as he stared at me.

"I fucked up, I know. But... I ain't gonna hurt you ever again G."

He shifted closer to me as he stared at me his face changing, damnit. it was true, he had a crush on me. That's why he was acting all soft to me.

"G...I love you..."

I gasped as he pinned me against the bed softly then kissed me, I was so shocked. He finally admitted it, But...I was still scared. It's gonna take me so much time...but I know I will get comfortable again around him. I slowly kissed back letting myself enjoy the moment I had. Before it ended.

But it never ended, he kept cuddling me and kissing me just holding me.

I didn't understand...he was being, soft. and not a dominant asshole he was to me.

What could this mean...?

Does he, actually love me?

Could this be...a new beginning for us?

-Kyler Lynn

Until then! Mwhaha. God this story I'm obsessed with. Well, yes. wait no. anything echotale or echofell. I'm Obsessed with. 

Guess you gotta wait until I feel like updating, probably Monday. Or even Tomorrow. Or even later today. Idk!

Spoilers for next Chappy.

"Fell...No I Cant."

"Come on G, trust me..."

"2 Different Souls" (Fell G x G Sans)Where stories live. Discover now