4 "You Did What?"

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"You fucked me..."

"I figured that...with all the bite marks and hickeys I left on ya"

I nod and pull away from him, he sighed and pointed at the bed.

"Sit...let me see the damage done...please"

 "What if I don't wanna move...?"

"Come here Sweetheart, before I carry yer ass"

"Don't call me that sugar skull"

He rolled his eye lights as I laid on his bed, he pulled my shirt up slowly seeing my ribs all cracked up from other things. Then bite marks that still hurt like hell, but not as bad as my pelvis and member hurt. 

He stared at them, and noticed the cracks but wasn't gonna ask luckily. He looked at me and traced his hand softly down to my pelvis but didn't go into my pants as I jumped almost yelping in pain as he pulled away and cursed. 

I laid my head back feeling just horrible pain from it, he barely even touched me and it hurt like hell. 

He moved over to me and kissed my skull rubbing it as he held me to him.

"Hey, Quick question. Was I top?"

"Fuckin asshole. what do you think?"

"I don't know,  I was drunk"

"You were top."

"Fuck YA!"

I rolled my eye lights as he smiled and hugging me more cradling me to him. 

I shifted then heard a knock on the door, that's when I remembered. Ink was gonna put us both back on the surface after a week. I have only..4 days left. To fix everything, then what? Do I stay or do I run again. 

I went down to open the door, I sat up and followed slowly leaning against his door frame. As soon as I saw who it was. I wanted to snap or run so far at that moment. It was the same girl that went to high school with. That had a huge crush on Fell. And the one that read rumors around about me killing Fells Brother.

Fell G glared at her then rolls his eye lights

"What do ya want? I am busy"

"Hey, Felly~ I was wondering. Why you weren't picking up my calls"

"because I was too busy. With my...BOYFRIEND"

I gasped almost falling over, did. No. He didn't.

He finally admitted it. That we were a thing, but...what if he was lying. Just to get her away. 

"Pfft, your lying Fell. Prove it that you have a boyfriend"

He smirked and looked up towards the stairs, I knew he wanted me to come down. But damn it I could barely walk. And I wasn't ready to get in a fight. I sighed and walked down as she gasps all offended. 

"But he killed your brother!"

"No, he fucking didn't My bro died in the war long ago. Don't makeup lies."

I walked over to him almost falling over as he caught me holding onto me as I leaned into him, dazing out. She glares at me and tried to punch me in the face as fell growled grabbing her arm. 

"If ya dare hurt him, Yer grave will be dug by dawn"

"Like I care! Haven't you heard the stories Fell!?"

"No, but I bet their lies!"

"He is going to prison in 4 days!!"

He tilted his head as she smirked crossing her arms than left. 

Now he knew, Ink sent me here. So I could see him since that was my last wish before I had to go to prison. I shifted pulling away as he shut the door looking at me.

"Tell me, it's not fucking true"

"It's true...Ink sent me here..for around a week..then. I'm off to prison. The last request before I go was to see your asshole! SO if you get all mad at me, go ahead. I could have picked anything I wanted. But i choose to be with you"

He stares at me as I frown still in pain, he walks over and hugs me holding me close as I whined in pain from my hips and pelvis being numb. 

"Sorry...but. I ain't gonna let them take ya. and if they do. I am gonna see ya."

"Please do..."

He nods and kisses me softly, then grabbed my hip as I cursed into the kiss as he laughed pulling his hand away.

"Fuck, where the hell do I hold ya now?"

"I don't know"

He smirked then grabbed my ass as I blush dark and growled at him and kissed him deeply. 

Damn it, I felt bad that he had to find out this way. But...at least he wasn't mad.

-Kyler Lynn

Until then


741 words 

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