3 "Come Here..."

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G's Pov

As the day soon turned into night, I was sitting in his room as he cuddled me looking down at his phone. He finally convinced me to get out of the basement bedroom and come up with him. I refused to cause I still was scared. But he got me out of the room and upstairs. 

I shifted a bit as he looked down at me making sure I was okay, I refused to look at him. I kept having small anxiety attacks. Every time he moved his hand I got scared, he sighed and set his phone down.

Shit..shit..was he annoyed with me?

"G, why are you so scared still...?"

"W-well, you can't blame me...You almost killed me. Your way stronger than me...so I keep thinking you're gonna hurt me with each movement you make."

"G, I know...I know. But I promise you I ain't gonna hurt you"

"Fell...No I can't, stop thinking about it..."

"Come on G...Trust me on this...okay?"

I tried to get up and run back down into the basement to hide again, but he pinned me against the bed. And kissed me deeply. Oddly...I wasn't afraid. I was enjoying this, enjoying him.

I kissed him back as he slowly let go of me holding one of his hands on my waist. I traced my hands up his ribcage wrapping them around his neck pulling him closer against me. 

He smirked and slowly slipped his tongue into my mouth, and my god. It was like heaven all over again. He noticed me enjoying it and laughed pulling away. 

"What..? What did I do?"

"Enjoying yer self much G?"

I looked at him confused as he smirks and presses his knee into my pelvis, where I felt my member had formed and started to grow. SHIT

He chuckles and kept his knee there.

"Yeah, I missed it and am enjoying myself. Now get your knee off it."

"Nah, I think ima leave it there for my own enjoyment"


"Yer Asshole Hunny~"

I smiled as he kissed me again just holding me close and tightly to him. 

Damnit, I loved him. 

He pulled away and got, rubbing the back of his skull as he smirked at me.




"I'm in!"

I jumped up as he laughed and playfully hit me in the head pushing me away. 

Well, now how do I say this?

Fell is drunk and kept staying, even more, closer than normal. And being...very...very...touchy. 

I was sitting on the couch with him, drinking as well but not getting drunk. He pinned me against the couch hard as I set my drink down. He licked his sharp teeth as I blush a soft yellow. 


He traced his hand down my chest to my jeans, where I already felt my member throbbing at his touch. I can't. I...I'm not ready for him to fuck me as he would.

The worst part was that he was drunk. And I wasn't. when we did it, I was as well drunk. But this time, I wasn't. And he was heavily wasted. I didn't know what to do, I couldn't run from him. he had me trapped. 

He tugged on my jeans hard as my eye sockets widen my eye lights slowly going dark. 

After that, it was all a blur. 

~The Next day~

My head hurt like hell, I didn't even drink much. And it was pounding, and my whole body ached with all kinds of pain. 

I shifted then gasped, he...he must have fucked me! That's why I was hurting. I got up quickly and went to the bathroom. My legs throbbed with pain as I felt them still being numb. I looked in the mirror. And saw deep, dark bite marks around my neck and collarbone. And some down my ribs. I touched one and whined in pain pulling away. 

"Ow...that fucker"

I leaned against the wall and traced my hands down my pants to feel. 

"Ow! OW fuck..."

I pulled my hand away in huge major pain, my member throbbed and hurt like hell. My whole body ached, and I felt like crying my eye sockets out in pain. But I didn't wanna seem weak around him. 

I heard him stir and wake up then panicked as his breath increased getting heavier thinking I left him. I shifted leaning against the bathroom door frame in pain as he saw me then cursed under his breath as he got up and reached out to touch my face. I pulled away scared as he noticed and frowned. Seeing the bite marks, and the pain I was in.


"I...told you Fell...I'm scared. and...i ain't ready.."

He placed his hand on my cheek as I closed my eye sockets in pain. 

He kissed my head softly then hugged me tightly. 

I leaned into him as I slowly calmed down.

I wanted to be with him, but he was worst then me at times. 

-Kyler Lynn

Until then!

810 words 

Spoilers for next chappy.

"Come Here, Sweetheart"

"Don't call me that sugar Skull"

"2 Different Souls" (Fell G x G Sans)Where stories live. Discover now