9 "Ya know I love ya...right?"

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G's Pov

(Nsfw Warning, Lemons, Smut)

I sighed relaxed finally being out of the prison, we had finally made it to the surface as well. Fell somehow got a house and moved in the time I got out. I shifted in his bed frowning staring at my phone. 

He had gone out for a bit to do something, leaving me to wake up and see he had fucking left. 

It bugged my anxiety but soon I calmed down snooping around his room finding stuff I didn't even know he had to begin with. 

My old jacket, I ripped my room apart trying to find for years. 

Photos from his camera I got him, and there were just a million random photos of me. And some of us together whenever I got the hold of it. he seemed pissed in a few, but other than that...he was actually smiling. 

I chuckled looking through more of his stuff he hid under his bed, I used to as well. Until Fell saw and I panicked hiding it somewhere else. I shifted and saw a dark black box as I grabbed it. I pulled it out sitting on the floor.

I opened it whipping a little bit of the dust off of it.

"Now what do you have in h-"

I blush dark instantly seeing what he had.

A few photos, of my rib cage before it was all beaten up and shot at. And I saw a very naughty picture he got of me sleeping. I smirked and took it

"I'm so gonna tease him later..."

I looked around it, seeing some 'sexual' toys he had and chains. 

I got bored and was getting flustered as I pushed the box back under his bed.

Not doing that again, never. EVER. Gonna be looking through his stuff again.

Seeing that I find these kinds of things.

I shifted staring at the photo he got of me, he was in it as well smirking and sticking his tongue out his hand...firmly gripped. On...something.

I blushed a deeper yellow and then heard the front door open. I hid the photo in my pocket going downstairs. 

Fell looked at me questioningly as I smirked making him roll his eye lights.

"What did ya get into now?"

"Nothing, Just snooping~"

He blushed lightly and glares at me.

"Alright. What did ya find."

"Oh, something interesting."

"Whatever ya find. was cuz I love ya. ya know that right?"

"Oh? SO why did I find this then?"

I showed him the photo. He flushed and grabbed it running. I screamed his name chasing after him.

"2 Different Souls" (Fell G x G Sans)Where stories live. Discover now