17 "Broken"

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Broken; having given up all hope; despairing. 


I shifted laying in Fell's bed, he wouldn't let me leave the room. I wasn't allowed to talk much either, my chest hurt like hell. Huge bruises were across it, some of his 'old' friends beat me up badly to the point I knew for sure I was gonna die. 

I didn't tell him this, but they raped me as well. Making my soul hurt and crack with pain.

After I left Frisks...They attacked me and locked me in a small basement room. Driving my anxiety worst. 

I whined in pain feeling my pelvis hurt, huge bruises around it. I heard Fell coming up the stairs as I tried and hid my pain. 

"Ya okay Love?"

I nod trying to hide the pain I was feeling in my pelvis. He noticed my pain and grabbed my face so I looked into his eyes. He seemed pissed off and worried. 

"Ya better tell me right now where it hurts G."

"I-im fine...Just uncomfortable..."

"Yer lyin."

"A-am not..."

I groaned in pain tearing up a little feeling like my soul was gonna crack into a million tiny little pieces. Shattering like glass.

Fell G sighed and rubbed my arm softly laying down next to me studying my face to see if he can tell where the pain is coming from. 

I wouldn't let him see my soul. 

It bugged him badly but I refused to pull it out and show him how bad it had gotten over the past few days I was gone. Frisk had helped a little in healing it before I was attacked. But the attack took a huge toll on me. Almsot taking my like at that. And Fell nor Frisk would have ever known..

After a while I tried to fall asleep. But only could get half asleep, still hearing and knowing what was going on around me. I shifted a little only feeling more pain in the result of it. It bugged me. 

"God, at First...i never wanted to fall in love. Never wanted to have that person..in my life that loved me back like the way I love them. But look...ya somehow fell into my lap. and stayed after all this time...Ive always wanted ya even before we knew each other. "

He sighed heavily like it was hurting him to say this. He rubbing my chest softly shifting me closer to him to keep me protected.

"I want ya...i don't wanna lose ya Bonehead. It hurts me inside seeing ya in so much pain like this..."

I shifted a little groaning in my sleep, as I listened to him talk to me thinking I was still fully asleep. 

He sighed laying his head on my chest softly holding me closer as he wrapped a huge cover on us. 

He needed me more than I thought he did...its like his life depended on me. It was almost like...he cant live without me. He needed me to keep going and moving forward day by day.

-Kyler Lynn

Until then

Sorry for the short Chappy. this story is coming to an end very very soon! 

Sorry to tell you this but I really really wanna start writing another story!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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