16 "Worth the Shot?"

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Fell G's POV


Where was he?! HE hasn't been home at all for over 3 days. And I was more than just pissed and worried. I was wanting to rib someone's bones out and turn them into dust burning every last bit of life they had left in them. Then beat the shit out of G if he was okay and not hurt.

 IF he is okay. Then ill beat the shit out of him.

If he isn't then I will be murdering someone. 

I don't care about any laws at this moment. I needed to know if he was okay, safe, and with me. And if he was hurt or not. 

I paced around the living room, cracking my knuckles. I kept glaring at the floor waiting. Any noise would make me look up at the door hoping G would walkthrough. 

Come on G...

We both know we can't go without each other for longer than a week. 

I jumped when I heard the front door unlock, I growled going downstairs already to kill someone or him. 

"Where. The FUCK were ya G."

"Seems like someone was. Worried."

"I ain't in the fuckin mood to play around G. Where were ya for 3 fuckin days!"

He shifted hiding his arms with his jacket not looking at me and looked like he was dazing out, deep in thought again. 

"G. what happened"



I took a step closer towering over him, he shivered to hide something from me.

I tried to grab his arm, him only pulling it away and whimpered backing up. I growled, knowing someone hurt him. And I wasn't about to have that, him hiding it from me. It was a big red flag. 

"G. What happened. Show me your arms. NOW"

"Fell..i-im fine."

"I ain't buying it. SHOW ME, G."


"G. Don't make me force ya. Ya know damn well I will. But I care and love ya. So fuckin show me. NOW"

He whines backing away, I grabbed his face making him look at me. I knew he was in pain, more than he was showing. I could see it in his eyes, the way his eye lights shifted around and fade into black. He finally gave in moving his arms to show me, deep cut marks. I knew too well that it was a sign from a rival I had.

An enemy's markings. 

"C'mere...those look like they hurt like hell."

He nods as I hug him tightly then make him sit on the couch as I go search for the medkit. 

He was quiet, too quiet. I hated his anxiety.  His arms bleeding horrible, I took them whipping and cleaning them off. 

As I wrapped his arms up, he coughed hard making me stare at him and study his chest. I could see a light bruise on his collar bone. I finished his arms then pulled up his shirt seeing a deep purple bruise across this ribcage. 

"Fuckin bitches...hurtin my Sweetheart."

"I-i'm fine Fell..."

"Don't lie. Where else does it hurt Love."

He wouldn't answer me, only looking down. I saw him tear up as I panicked hugging him tightly to me trying to be careful. I hated it when he was in pain. His nightmares and anxiety were bad enough on him as well as his thoughts. 

I cradled his head into my chest as I felt his grip on me tighten. I knew he wanted to cry and break down, I wanted to make sure he was okay. 

"It's okay..I'm here Love..."

"I...I'm in pain..."

"I know...I know...Shh... you shouldn't talk so much since your chest in pain."


"G don't talk..breath...rest...I'm here"

He whines and nods holding onto me, laying his head into my chest. 

I frowned rubbing his skull softly holding him closely against me not wanting to let go, I didn't understand. Who would hurt him? He was stronger than this... 

Way stronger than this.

What happened to my strong G...?

What is gonna happen...?

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