14 "Whispers"

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Fell G's POV


I sat out on the porch watching it rain, I knew G was pissed, and or, depressed for taking my jacket back away from him. But I couldn't let him have it. I was hiding a gift from him, a special gift. I tapped the ground with my sharp fingers as I smoked. Red smoke coming out of my mouth. A deep red, I knew these kinds of cigarettes bugged G's health. Fucking with his Soul. 

I shifted hearing the front door open then close. G sat next to me. And looked out, I offered my Cigarette but he refused it. That was a, first well not really but he wouldn't want my cigs. 

"What's wrong Sweetheart"



"I ain't Lying..."

"Oh keep tellin me that yer not. When I know ya are. What's wrong Love?"

He rolled his eye lights and went back inside, leaving me alone to be upset and ponder with my thoughts, I growled sighing closing my eye sockets. He was bugging me badly. Starting to piss me off at that. And that wasn't good. Cuz if I was pissed at him, it wouldn't end well in out relationship. 



I grumbled under my breath throwing myself onto the bed in the spare bedroom and stared at the wall letting my thoughts take over me. I couldn't help myself but think of the underground. I had an odd feeling. Like something bad might happen...

Something horrible...

That might ruin everything...

I couldn't shake the thought off. 

(A/N Before thou shall continue with your regularly scheduled program. I shall clear somethings up within this story, so in my story. This is before Frisk even fell down. And before Chara even fell down and well yeah you know the story canon from echotale. So in my story, I will be ending it with a reset going back to wear echotale begins originally. Where G and Frisk yada yada yadda, you get what I mean. But G has met her in this timeline. SO DRAMA MY COOKIES MWAHAHA. ) 

                                        ~Now back to your regular scheduled program~

I sighed then thought of this girl I bumped into the other day while I was out in the middle night getting more smokes. I sighed shaking it off letting myself forget about her. A simple...NO G STOP IT. You're with Fell!!!... you're with Fell!......you're with...Fell? 

Am...I with Fell? Yeah, he cheated...so I kinda did leave him. So was I able to go around and see other people?

I sighed frustrated. I hated this. 

I had a crush on someone, I barely even knew. And yet I'm still dating Fell. Cuz damnit this guy knows how to take a heart and play with your head making you want to stay forever and feel loved and protected. I don't know how much longer I could take of his games...

I fell off the bed and fell back asleep trying to forget about all of what was going on. I missed home, I missed my Brother. My friends...Fell had me trapped. 

-Ky Lynn
Until then 

"2 Different Souls" (Fell G x G Sans)Where stories live. Discover now