8 "Come with me..."

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Papyrus refused to leave my sight. Its been 2 weeks now, and I hated every moment of it being in here.

I wanted out, badly. At night when Paps had to leave. 

I'd sit in the corner by myself, and have horrible anxiety attacks crying slightly making sure to keep quiet so I didn't seem weak around anyone else.

I didn't realize, I was getting separation anxiety...From Fell.

We just got together, and I wanted to see him. For him to protect me, Each time I walked out of my cell. I'd almost get beaten half to death. But I scared a lot of the inmates...except a few that would try to kill me, or rape me until I died from all the pain. Yeah, I can admit it, I've been raped a few times by Fell. But he was doing it in a safe, loving manner. The inmates only wanted a fuck toy. 

I shivered walking down the halls with my Brother, he frowned when he saw the state I was in. I could barely sleep, I was weak and tired. He sighed and rubbed my shoulder softly trying to ease some of the pain I was feeling from being suck up in there. 

"I can...talk to the Warden. And see if you can get out sooner than later."

"I'd like that...I'd rather have visitors though...Since the Warden doesn't seem too fond of me anyways."

"I know...I know...But I can't get any help in doing that"

I nod frowning dazing out thinking about Fell. For the longest time, I missed him. I missed him badly to the point it bugged me.  

Paps locked me back up in my cell and walked off. 

I shifted then heard someone yelling and shouting. I got up quickly and looked through the little window I had on the door to see what was going on.

I heard Undyne shouting and some other guard I thought was shouting as well. I tilted my head as I heard her run-up to my cell. 

I backed up quickly as she opened my door panting.

"You Were FRAMED?!"

"I told you I was Fish head...i wouldn't lie about something like that."

"Come With Me Then!"

She grabbed my arm and pulled me down the hall, pushing me into a room to change. I was so confused, was I being moved? Or let out? 

Paps then walked in as I stared at him confused.

"Someone Found the real murderer. And turned them in, and now is letting you out."

"Wait what...?"

"Yeah..they want you out of there fast. So no one will notice you had left. The warden knows, but since other inmates are planning stuff with you to...rape you."

I nod and rush out wanting out of their fast. I didn't wanna be their anyways, And If I was gonna get raped. I didn't want it by them, but by Fell.  Papyrus guided me keeping me hidden, as soon as we got to the front.

 I stopped in my tracks staring at someone. 

"Hey Sweetheart..."

I blinked staring at Fell, he was there. He was right in front of me! It was no dream, it was no illusion to fuck with my head. He was actually there. 

I looked at paps then ran, I ran right up to him. He grabbed me tightly hugging me. I held onto him tightly. And refused to let go. Fell looked around then nodded at Papy as he teleported with me away back to his house.

"I...fuckin missed ya so much"

"It was a hell hole...."

"I heard...But at least yer safe now"

"Yeah...I couldn't...help myself but go weaker and weaker each day."

"But G...i..thought ya were stronger than that...?"

"I went weak...Cuz I got emotions...and...attached to you to the point I was having separation anxiety and..and...I wasn't able to scare all the inmates..so...3 to 4...were planning on raping me...making sure I wouldn't be alfa around there.."

He froze and stared at me.

"So...I had good timing then?"

"Very good timing..."

"Good...good. Cuz I missed ya...and Love ya a lot Sweetheart"

"I know...I love you too.."

He rubbed my neck softly and kissed my skull softly trying to comfort me and just hold me for the rest of the night.

-Ky Lynn

sorry for short Chapter ill fix it in a bit

Until then.

411 Words 

-Kyler Lynn

Yay, I did it. made it a bit longer since I didn't have much time to fully write everything down when I updated.

Well Until Then!

746 Words 

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