You Owe Me That Much

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"It was wise of you that you didn't take this Guemganggo off me. If you did, I definitely..." Dazai's eyes turned bright red with hunger. "...would have eaten you up."

Chuuya sighed. "You're protecting me only because of the Guemganggo?"

"Of course." Dazai said nonchalantly. "I'm not the one protecting you." Dazai raises his arm. "This Geumganggo protects you." Dazai said before looking down at the moving bag that had the zombie girl inside. Dazai got up and took the bag with him leaving Chuuya alone in his apartment.


Fyodor was sitting in his office with Nikolai; a glass of wine in hand and slowly sipping it. Fyodor picked up the contract and he started flipping through the pages making sure Chuuya signed it.

"I clearly saw the effectiveness of Geumganggo. Dazai can never disobey Sam Jang."

"If Dazai Osamu finds out about the contract, he won't let it go." Nikolai stated.

"Of course he won't let it go." Fyodor was about to take another sip of his wine until he realized someone was coming into his office full speed. It wasn't hard at all to guess who that might be.

Fyodor sighed. "I guess he is just around the corner."

"I'll keep the contract." Nikolai says taking it, and getting ready to leave the room. Nikolai opens the folder and he stops in his tracks and turns around.

"Devil King Dostoyevsky, this contract is not the original."

"Of course not. I can't let the Great Saga have the original contract."

Nikolai sighed and tossed the copy on the table and sat back down. "Where is the original?"

"That's what I'm wondering. Dazai Osamu!!"

The real Nikolai ran into the room to inform Fyodor. "Fyodor-san, Dazai Osamu is here!"

Fyodor points at the Nikolai that Dazai formed into. And Nikolai's eyes widened as he was shocked to see a version of himself sitting down on the couch.

"My goodness, because you wanted to see me act like a loyal dog, I came here as a dog. Your dog, better yet." Dazai sighed. "This isn't fun though." Dazai turned back into himself, and leaned back into the couch.

"At which point did you figure it out?"

"Nikolai always prepares two wine glasses when we have something to celebrate... because he can drink with me. But you didn't because you're not allowed to drink at the moment. Aren't I right?"

"I was so sad about not being able to drink this exquisite wine when it's right in front of me. I'm even more pissed off now. I'll cut to the chase. Annul the contract."

"It's between my agency and Sam Jang. Who do you think you are?"

Dazai raised his arm. "As you can see, Chuuya and I are bound to each other. I can't let him get locked into an unfair deal."

"The two parties involved in the contract have no problem with it at all."

Dazai sighed, smirking. "Then I can create a problem. Your company is the principal of the contract, right? What if the company disappears altogether? It's a very nice building. It's too nice to be torn down."

"Are you nuts? This building is in the middle of the city. You'll tear this down?"

"As you know, I am a complete nut job. Don't test me." Dazai picks up Fyodor's wine and he swishes it around before tapping the glass, and sitting it back down on the table. When Dazai sat the wine glass down the whole building started to shake. Dazai and Fyodor stared at each other for a moment as the building was shaking. Fyodor moved his hand and he reached out to pick up the wine glass and as soon as he did the building stopped shaking.

Dazai sighed annoyed.

"Dazai, did you decant my wine to make it even more enjoyable?"

"This building is pretty sturdy."

"That little bit of shaking won't even make it budge."

"It was very arrogant of me to think that this finger would be all I need. This time, I'll do it properly." Dazai says leaning forward.

Dazai stood up and he charged the energy of No Longer Human in his hands, and Fyodor stood up and did the same but with Crime and Punishment.

"Bring it on." Fyodor challenged.

Dazai and Fyodor connected their energy together and they were concentrating until they heard a chuckle. Making them pull away from each other.

"My gosh." Mori said as he stepped closer. "I was so worried that I might be late. I flew here as fast as I could. All right you two. Enough, okay? What can't you two just talk it out?"

"I can't get through to this guy."

They all sat down cordially and Dazai was reading over the contract. "This doesn't make sense. And neither does this." Dazai says reading it. "See? He's trying to use me through Chuuya with this contract. He's basically trying to use me to become a deity."

"It's your fault that I am not a deity to yet. And we both know it's your fault what happened all those years ago!"

"Don't you dare blame that on me." Dazai says angrily.

"If I was a deity by now things could have been a lot different. I lost points because you escaped from Marble Mountains, so I want to use you to earn them back. What's so unfair about it?"

"Are you saying all this makes sense? You really think you can change things by doing this. No matter what he will never-"

"Enough!" Mori says frustrated. "I get where you both are coming from. But if anything shouldn't you be working together? You both want the same thing. To change what happened. You can't go back in the past, but at least you can change the future. You both should focus on that, and remember why you're tied together in the first place."

To Be Continued...

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