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01 || 20.10.2003

Lando Norris lifted his eyes from the book which sat in his lap to look at his best friend. He thought she was wonderful. He believed that Mila Perry was the most sensational little girl he would ever be blessed with, even though he was only young and he didn't know what the word sensational really meant. He found it easy to become distracted by his best friend. They spent all of their time together, at home and at school. Everything revolved around Milly.

"How many pages do you have left?" Mila grumbled, folding her arms across her chest as she rolled her eyes in a mood. Lando giggled, closing the picture book he was reading and placing it on the cabinet beside his bed. The two best friends were spending time together in the Norris household after a busy day at nursery. Since Lando's mother, Cisca, was on maternity leave and Mila's mother was working, the pair spent some of their evenings at his house. Lando's younger sister, Flo, was only one, almost two and his family were very financially stable, so Cisca was able to spend more time at home with her children.

"I'm finished!" Lando sighed before falling backwards, resting his head on the plump pillow of his single bed. An orange car design was prominent on his duvet cover and Mila always loved to admire it whilst she asked her best friend lots of questions. "Come and lie with me, Milly. There's space for you!"

Mila loved it when her best friend used her nickname. As much as she loved her real name, she loved it when Lando called her Milly, more than when anyone else did. Sometimes, Mila told people off if they used her nickname too much, but Lando was exempt from those rules. Mila adored Lando. They were best friends, completely inseparable and had been ever since they could walk. The close relationship between Mila's mother, Mandy, and Lando's mother, Cisca, meant that their children would always grow up together. Mandy and Cisca had known one another ever since they were small; Mandy's family holidayed to Belgium each year, meaning the then small girls were given the greatest opportunity to become friends.

"Who is your best friend?" Mila signed as she turned her face to look at Lando with ease. She loved being with him. The feeling which grew in her chest was far from unusual, but if anybody ever asked Mila to describe said feeling, she would never have the words. It was a strange sense of happiness which she struggled to find within anyone else. Lando meant something to her that nobody would ever replace and he brought joy to her life in ways she didn't realise were ever possible.

Lando lifted his eyebrows as he thought for a moment, causing Mila to scowl and fold her arms across her chest. She asked him the same question often, seeking reassurance from the young boy who simply loved to tease her. He was only young, four to be exact, but the smile which he managed to provoke from his best friend as a result of his teasing mannerisms made him happy. Mila knew the answer to her own question. That was very clear to the pair of them.

"Lando!" Mila whined, pouting at him whilst flashing him her cutest puppy dog eyes. They always worked to her advantage and she could always get what she wanted from Lando because they always worked on him. He was like putty in her hands. "It's me, I'm your best friend! Say it, Lando!"

The young boy smirked whilst taking Mila's dainty hands between his. He placed her knuckles against his palm, paying great attention to her fingertips and their structure. Lando's cheeks were painted a soft shade of pink and he chewed on his lip as he used his index finger to trace a soft line across the diameter of Mila's sensitive palm. She giggled, but refused the urge to pull her hand away as the ticklish feeling rose through her body. Lando's eyes widened at her reaction, the smile on his face pulling tightly into a wide grin. He thought she was beautiful. Her blonde hair was long and usually plaited, but today she wore it in a sleek ponytail with a bright pink scrunchie securing her hair at the back of her head. Her eyes were a soft hazel shade and they complimented her skin tone perfectly. Lando didn't know what it felt like to love someone romantically, but his heart swelled with some form of love for his best friend.

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