Change of attitude

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Y/N: 11
Jin: 22

At school, you finally made it to the schools official volleyball team. Your team was unbeatable and you were quite happy with that. Your brother would come and watch every game and maybe bring a few of his members as well. But every time you would make a mistake, you kinda always made a big deal out of if you miss a serve of mess up a bump, you wouldn't necessarily cry, you would just not smile or just be mad the whole game...of course Jin would notice and he would be pretty pissed about it just because he wants you to have a great attitude while playing, but sometimes it just really bothers you that once your games are done, you don't talk to him on the way home. You would practice your bumps(receive), your sets, spikes, and controlling the ball up in the air.

You would practice until midnight, which is pass your bed time, until you get it right. Of course Jin would worry, he would leave your food outside in the backyard since you were practicing out there. You would of course eat because you don't want to get scolded by Jin. You would get scolded though when you practice until midnight...


Today you have another game against one of the teams you have never played. Of course you were quite nervous but you tried to keep it cool. Jin was watching and he brought Yoongi, Jimin, and hoseok. You were also kind of nervous the members or your brother embarrassing you...It will either be Jimin, hoseok or Jin...Yoongi would just watch.

We arrived at the school gym and my teammates were warming up. I put my bag down we're Jin and the others were sitting and ran up to my team to warm up. Then our coach called us for a little pep talk so we ran up to the bench and sat down.

Our coach gave us our spots on the court and reminded us to just have fun...Oh! I forgot to mention, my jersey number is [favourite number]. Anyways, I was in the first line up and I was really happy about that. I was in the back row and we were going to verse St. Andrews. I got to my ready position and also my other teammates and waited until the whistles blow. Our team were serving first and the server was Jisoo! Yes, Jisoo is also in the volleyball team with me...I convinced her.


The whistle blowed and Jisoo was bouncing the ball up and down, she was ready...

After 3 seconds, she finally served the ball perfectly going straight into the back row. The team bumped it 2 times and on the third time, they bumped it back to us, the ball was coming straight at me so I kept a close eye on the hall and yelled:


I bumped the ball nicely to the air and got out of the way for my teammates to get it. Jisoo got the ball and bumped it to the front row of the opposite side of the net. The team made a mistake and the ball dropped, making us have one point...

25 minutes later

Half way through the game, we were on our second set. We have won the first set and now we were winning with 8 points ahead...


Next it was my turn to serve...surprisingly my brother and the members didn't embarrass me. They just watched and smiled when I look at them.

My team mate passed me the volleyball and I was bouncing it up and down waiting for the whistle to blow.


I bounced the hall one more time and I was in my serving position, I stepped back, and I hit the ball straight.

But it didn't go over...

It bounced of the net making the team having one point...

I was so pissed and My teammates went up to me saying it was ok...My face went from a smile to a frown and I was super rage...

I wanted to scream and yell at myself for not making the serve over.


Our team won again but I was not happy...just by that one serve I didn't get over. I didn't smile for the rest of the game and whenever the bump comes to me, I swing my hands hard in frustration making the call go over the net once. After the game ended, our coach told us that we had a good name and nice serves... I just rolled my eyes.

When we gave a high-five to the other team, I had no expression and I kept my face serious. Of course Jin Oppa noticed...

After, I went up to grab my bag by Jin and the memebers congratulated me but I was still mad..

Hoseok: "You did really good y/n!"

"Hey you had nice receives! I also saw you spike! That was awesome!" Jimin said rubbing my sweaty back...

Yoongi: "Good game y/n! You totally killed the other team!"

"Mhm..." I just sighed making Jimin, hoseok, and Yoongi frowned..

"Do you know what happened hyung?" Yoongi whispered to Jin...

"It's because she missed a serve that one time remember?" Jin said as he stood up from the bench

Hoseok: "Just because of that? Everyone makes mistakes.."

Jin: "She just wants to get everything's like if she gets something wrong, she would be really embarrassed. So she always wants to get her serves over, her receives high...she doesn't want to make one mistake..."

Jimin: "I thought she did really good actually. I also video taped her spike"

Jin: "I'll talk to her when we get home..."

The five of us went to the car and Jin drove. I was in the middle and Jimin and Hoseok were beside me.

Jimin: "Hey y/n, what's wrong?"

I sat there with a mad expression still but I answered Jimin.


Hoseok: "It's not nothing...was it because you missed that one serve...?"

Y/n: "I never do anything right..."

"Hey! You were awesome out there! I video taped your spike as well! That was just one serve only y/n. Everyone makes mistakes. Even Hobi makes mistakes even thought he is the one of our best dancers in BTS" Jimin said to me

(all of the members of bts are awesome dancers! Please don't take this the wrong way. I treat all the members the same)

Hoseok: "Everyone learns from their mistakes right? Even after that serve you got the next serve over!"

I finally smiled that made jimin and Hoseok smile as well...

Jin: "Just change your attitude princess. If you make a mistake shake it off and you will do better next time..."

"Now that's what you call change of attitude" Yoongi said...

I haven't updated in awhile! Even on my other story... 'Remember, you are mine'
Sorry! I'll try to update more...

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