What Happened To My Brother? Pt.4

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I laid on yoongi a shoulders for a bit. Maybe just for 5 minutes. I really did need some time cuz I never wanted to see my brother I'll or maybe I should say...suffering. I have to admit, I was scared.

Then Jungkook came out of the room.

Y/N: "is he not awake yet?"

Jungkook: "I'm sorry princess. Not yet"

When Jungkook called me princess, I went back to crying. Jin was the only one who called me 'Princess'

Yoongi: "See? Your presence made her cry Jungkook?"

Jungkook: "What did I do?!?!?"

"No it's ok.." I said trying to stop crying. "I just remember Jin calling me Princess."

"Oh I'm sorry y/n I-"

"No it's fine kookie Oppa" I said as I got up from my chair to hug him. "I think I'm ready to see my brother guys..."

I saw Jungkook and Yoongi look at each other

Yoongi: "Are you really sure? Or do you need at least 5 more minutes. We are not really forcing you."

Y/N: "I can go now. I'm really fine. I can manage."

"I'll take her inside the room. Yoongi Hyung are you coming?"

Yoongi: "nah I'll stay here in case she wants to come back..."

"Ok Hyung"

I walked beside Jungkook and he was right behind me. As I got in front of the door, I hesisteated to open it. My hand almost reached the door knob but I hesitated to open it.

"What wrong y/n?" Jungkook asked behind me. "I-I don't know Oppa...I just...I don't know..."

Jungkook: "are you sure you wanna go inside? Yoongi is just right there."

"I-I'll go in.."

I finally grabbed the door knob and twisted it slowly...I took a deep breath in and went inside.

I first stepped in and I saw all eyes on me. Except Jin of course.

Taehyung: "Hey y/n..."

Jimin: "hey there sweetie..."

Namjoon: "hey...do you want to see your brother"

Once I entered the room, the air became intense. I leaned on the wall and grabbed my shirt, I could not breathe properly. I was panicking again.

Jimin bent down quickly to my height in front of me.

Jimin: "hey hey...y/n it's fine...breathe.Breathe in and out. Inhale, exhale. It's fine it's ok."


Jimin: "Hey it's ok. Your brother is fine. Yes I know he has a major flu. But it will be ok. Stop crying and calm down."

I immediately hug Jimin and he hugged me back and he rubbed my back in circles. I just sobbed on his shoulders.

I lifted up my head and the rest of the boys were still looking at me.

"Jimin I think I'll see Jin.."

Jimin broke the hug and moved out of the way...


I rest of the members move aside...I saw Jin...laying there with his breathing mask on. Jimin held my shoulders as I went closer and closer to Jin while he is still not awake. I sat on the right edge of Jins bed with tears still in my eyes. I held his warm hand carefully.

Jimin: "it's ok. It's gonna be fine..."

I looked at Jimin while still holding Jins hand

Y/N: "when are they taking off the mask...?"

"I dont know yet sweetie"

I looked back at Jin trying to stay strong for my brother.

5 minutes later

Hoseok: "Guys I think we have to go. PD-Jim is calling. Sorry Y/N...we gotta go..."

"Oh it's fine Oppa...I think I'll stay the night here too..."

Taehyung: "are you sure you don't wanna go back home?"

"No I can just sleep on the couch here"

Jungkook: "ok y/n. We will probably drop by tomorrow"

"Ok bye guys.."

Bts (except Jin): "bye y/n"

I saw them all leave and o let go of Jins hand carefully. I stood up from the edge of his bed and sat down on the couch in his room. I played on my phone and looked up every 5 minutes too see if Jin will wake up.

10 minutes later~~

Still Y/N POV

After about 10 minutes, Jin still hasn't woken up. I got really, really worried. I miss talking to him. I miss his dad jokes. I have no idea why I'm saying these things. He didn't even pass away. He is just right there lying on his bed.

Suddenly the doctor came in...

Doctor: "well hello there. Is he someone you know?"

"Oh yes he is my brother. How is he?"

Doctor: "well I'm dr. Kim. it looks like he hasn't woke up yet. So I guess we still have to keep his breathing mask on..."

Y/N: "I-is that a bad thing? That he didn't wake up yet?"

Dr.Kim(girl): "no no sweetheart. He is still recovering from his flu I guess. Once he wakes up, he will feel week and may have to use a wheelchair. But once he gets more stronger, he can walk on his own."

"Ok thank you..." I said calmly. "No problem" the doctor said. She smiled and walked out of the room.

I went to my brother again and grabbed a chair and sat by the edge. (Not on the bed)

"I miss talking to you Oppa..." I said quietly. I was a bit tired so I laid my head on the edge of his bed and I just drifted off to sleep.

IM SORRY GUYS!  I SWEAR THERE IS GONNA BE A LOT OF PARTS IN 'What Happened to my brother?" Don't worry there will be different chapters in between. I am so sorry. I swear it might be a long series but there are more different chapters to come. Bye! (This part always a bit suckish-)

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