Ch.3 A Deal with a Demon

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The next morning, I woke up as Satoshi had already went off to school. I quickly got dressed and everything before heading out to meet Lelouch and Rivalz. The happy-go-lucky blue haired boy handed me a helmet and a pair of blue motorcycle shades. Lelouch sat in the side car while I rode behind Rivalz. Once we arrived at our destination, Rivalz parked before wen entered a building, heading into an office. Rivalz opened the door as we entered, an old man exclaiming happily as he walked over to us.

"Oh, I'm saved!" He said before leaving.

"What do we have here, two school boys and a girl?" The fat man smirked.

"Well then, a noblemen." Lelouch smirked as we all walked over to the man. Lelouch sat down as Rivalz examined the board.

"You can't win this! It's impossible, right?"

"Rivalz, Scarlett, how much time do we have to make it to our next class?" Lelouch asked.

"Umm..." Rivalz thought.

"About 20 minutes of we hurry." I answered.

"And be sure to drive home safely." He smirked. "Now then, shall we begin?" He asked, holding up the king with a smirk.

"You're starting with the king? What a simple move!" The man laughed as Lelouch chuckled softly.


"Now then, we must be off. Rivalz, Scarlett." Lelouch said as we walked to the door, the nobleman staring at the board in shock.

"I just love winning to nobility! They pay out of pride!" Rivalz said happily.

"They're nothing more than pampered parasites." Lelouch said.

"You should challenge the Eleven's! They're nothing like us Britannian's!" He said, opening the door as we walked out.

Suddenly, a large screen on a building came on to reveal Prince Clovis. Lelouch and I glared in annoyance. If my memory serves me well, then from how o planned this out, he is supposed to be my stepbrother since my mother married the emperor.

"Are you gonna join in?" Asked Rivalz.

"Are you?" He asked back.

"It's kinda embarrassing..."

"Yes, well shedding tears over those lost won't bring them back." He said, grabbing the meter ticket from the machine. "No matter what you do, people don't come back from the dead."

"Dang, that's pretty dark, even for you, Lelouch."

As we drove along the road, Rivalz spoke up. "By the way, why did you start with the King?"

"A King cannot lead without his subordinates."

"What's that about?" I asked.

"You into political stuff now? Wanna be a general or something?" Rivalz asked with a small smirk.

"No way, it's bad for your health." He chuckled softly.

Suddenly, there was honking behind us as Rivalz exclaimed. He swerved a bit before quickly pulling over, almost crashing. But the trick had turned and crashed in a construction site. Rivalz looked up. "Was that our fault?" He asked.

"I don't think so." I answered.

We all got off the bike as I saw a strange twinkle from the top of the truck, Lelouch seeing it too, I'm sure. We took our helmets and shades off before tossing them into the side car. Lelouch started running down to the truck as I quickly ran after him.

"Lelouch!" I called.

He looked around and called out before climbing up the ladder. I did the same, until I heard a voice. "It's you... I've finally found my..." I blinked before Lelouch helped me up.

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