Ch.18 Rain

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Two weeks had passed since the Black Knights appearance as I had "joined" them a few nights after they began. Along with being Spectra, I am also hiding among the Black Knights for the sake of Lelouch because he wishes to keep an eye on me. One day, however, it was pouring outside as I walked through the cold rain. As I walked, I saw people with umbrellas over their heads as they walked and were chatting with others. I didn't bother taking my bag or my umbrella because I didn't see the point in it. I held onto my arms, feeling a bit of a chill snake it's way up my spine. Pretty soon, I was drenched from the pouring rain, but I didn't care... All I wanted was to clear my head, but every time I tried, images of my mother, her bloody corpse on the floor, the blood knife next to her, my parents together, and my saddened father kept flashing into my head. It suddenly flashed in my mind as I flinched, gripping my wet coat.

As I walked, I aimlessly wandered into the town square. Lowering one arm, I still held onto the other as my left arm dangled behind me. A low sigh escaped my lips, until I heard someone call my name. "Kari?"

I gasped and turned to see Lelouch with a black umbrella over his head. My eyelids lowered back to how I had them before I turned away. As I took a step forward, my wrist was suddenly grabbed, forcing me to a stop. "Go away, Lelouch..." I muttered bitterly.

"You've been avoiding me these past couple of weeks. Why?"

My body began to tremble slightly before I yanked my wrist from him, making a run for it. "Kari!!" Lelouch quickly closed his umbrella and ran after me, but I was trying my best to keep my distance as tears flew from my face.

I quickly swiped them away as I ran faster, but Lelouch was catching up to me, and fast. But as I rounded a corner, I tripped on the sidewalk that was slightly raised from a poor job as I landed on my stomach. I quickly got up, but almost fell back down from my angle hurting; I must've twisted it when I tripped... Suddenly, I heard Lelouch call to me as he rounded the same corner. Using all the strength I could muster, I pounced to my feet and started running again, my ankle hurting like hell.

"Kari, stop!!" Lelouch called, but I didn't give a damn as I kept on running.

Suddenly, my wrist was grabbed as I was roughly pinned to a wall. Upon opening my eyes, my gaze was forced to meet that of Lelouch. He dropped his umbrella to the ground before pinning my arm to the wall again. It was then my ankle started hurting like crazy as I winced. But then I just now noticed the tear in my jeans and the scratch on my knee.

"Mm!" I winced from the pain in both my ankle and my knee.

I closed my knees together as they were almost touching, lifting my foot as I simply rested only my toes on the ground. Lelouch looked down to see the rip in my jeans and my foot barely touching the ground. He slowly released my wrists and leaned over to see them a little better. I quickly used this moment and ran, but I only got a couple steps in before my ankle face out and I was heading face first for the ground. But before I could hit the ground, I was stopped, Lelouch catching me in his arms before he sat me down, opening his umbrella as he held of over us.

Lelouch reached over to touch my knee, seeing it a little bloody before going to my foot. He lifted my pant leg and gently pressed against my ankle. "Nugh!" I winced.

"You twisted your ankle and scratched your knee. But this wouldn't have happened if you hadn't run from me in the first place. And since you can't run off now, I can ask you some questions..."

I glared before activating my Geass. "No, you won't ask me questions." I hissed.

Suddenly, Lelouch held up his cellphone as my Geass bounced right off the screen and back to me as I gasped. My whole body straightened up as my Geass was being used on myself now. "I want answers. Tell me what I want to know now."

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