Ch.10 The Plan

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As I was in my room, watching TV that night, I saw that Suzaku was being accused of murdering Clovis and my best friend, Yuki was being accused of murdering Minako. I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed a number.

"Hello?" The male voice answered.

"Lelouch, I almost forgot about this, but this is an emergency."

"What's the matter?"

"It's about Suzaku and my old friend, Yuki. They're being accused of murdering Clovis and Minako."

"Hmm... So I guess the plan is going to be moving along faster than I thought... Oh well, it can't be helped... Are you free tomorrow?"


"We'll have Kallen meet at Tokyo Tower with some of her friends and then we'll discuss the plan from there, but we'll need disguises so they don't see our faces."

I smiled. "No problem. I've got the perfect one in mind. I'll see you tomorrow, okay."

"Right." He said before we disconnected.


The next day, Lelouch told Kallen to meet us at Tokyo Tower at 16:00 hours. As the clock hit four, she went to go retrieve a phone as Lelouch called her, the name displaying "Zero" as she answered.


"I want you to board the outbound train on loop-line 5, and bring your friends." Lelouch said before hanging up. "Let's hurry." He said as I nodded.

Once Lelouch was sure Kallen was on the train, he called her back. "what now?" She asked over the phone as I listened.

"Face forward and look to your right. What do you see?"

"The Britannian city. It was stolen from us and build on our sacrifice." She answered.

"And the left?"

I see our city; remnants of a desiccated city after the Britannian's sucked it dry."

Lelouch's voice reopened a bit. "Good answer. Now make your way to the front of the train."

After Lelouch hung up, we waited. He put his helmet on as I grabbed my long hair, twirling it into a small bundle before putting my helmet on as I closed behind my hair. I hide in the car and waited for my cue while Lelouch was facing the opposite way, his back to Kallen and her friends as they entered the car.

"Was it you...on the phone?" She asked.

There was no need to worry about the people in the next car because I had used my Geass on them as they just sat there with red rims around their iris'.

"Hey, do you think this is a trap?" One of Kallen's friends asked.

Kallen's voice raised a bit. "Was that you in Shinjuku? Was that cease fire your doing?"

Could she ask anymore questions? Probably... I never really paid attention to how annoying she can get, until now in which I'd like to end here right here and now, but then Lelouch would kill me in return...

"Hey! We're talkin' to you!" One rudely snapped.

The train suddenly darkened as Lelouch turned around, or would you prefer Zero? Darkness surrounded is as we had entered a tunnel, going deeper into it; his timing ceases to amaze me, but mine is better.

"What do you think of my tour of the settlement?"


"Aw, come on, there's no way it's this joker."

"I wanted you to fully grasp the two. The settlement..." He spread his left arm out. "...and the ghetto." And then his right.

One took a step forward. "Yeah, we know, there's a difference between us and them, a very harsh one, and that's why we resist them."

"Wrong." I said.

Everyone, except Lelouch looked around the cart. It went completely black as I appeared next to him. When it lit up again, they all gasped to see me standing there, as if I had come out of nowhere.

"Britannia will not fall to terrorism. It's nothing more than a childish nuisance to them."

"What's that!? You callin' us a bunch of kids?" One guy growled.

"You should know your enemy." Lelouch continued. "It is not people, but Britannia itself. It's a war you must wage, but not against the innocent; take up your sword and fight for justice."

"Oh, please! That's easy enough to say, isn't it?" Kallen snapped. "Hiding behind those masks... Why should we even trust you?"

"She's right! Lose the masks!" One said.

"Right. Are you gonna show us your faces or not?"

"Very well..." I said. "...but rather our faces, bare witness to our power. If we deliver to you the impossible, than I may have earned your trust." They should stop being so naive and childish and just listen for once in their lives. We're offering to help and they can't even listen to our offer.


"Lelouch, it's time."

"Yes..." He put his mask on. "The die is cast..."

I smirked as I put me helmet on, closing it on my bundle of hair. "...and the games are just beginning." I smirked, flicking my cape.

You may know Lelouch's outfit, but you don't know mine. My outfit consists of a white, turtleneck, tank top; black and blue, sleeveless shirt as the front was open just to my breasts to reveal my white shirt; black arm warmers, brown belts on the tops of my upper arms of the arm warmers; about four or five brown belts stacked on top of each other around my waist; black and blue rimmed shorts; black and blue trimmed thigh highs; blue flats; black gloves on my hands; and a black and blue cape similar to Lelouch's on top of my outfit. Flicking my cape out, I placed my hand on my hip, turning to him.

"Will this do?" I asked. "I chose shorts because we're going to be running and jumping a lot and the last thing I need to worry about is people trying to peek up my skirt."

"A wise choice." He said.

"We should be off. We still need that car by tomorrow for the big plan."

"Indeed. Let's get to work."

"And the fun begin." I smirked.

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