Ch.24 Bloodstained Euphie

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It was the day of the festival as Ashford holds one every year. Lelouch was busy being the chairmen while I was doing everything else that people needed me for. But suddenly, as this had slipped my mind, I saw Princess Euphemia bump into Nunnally. "Oh, I'm sorry!" Euphie said.

"No, it's okay. Are you hurt?" Nunnally asked.

"Huh? Nunnally?"

"That voice, it's sounds so familiar... Ugh!"


"How are things going here?" Milly asked.

I flipped the pen in my hand. "According to plan, Madame Prez!"

"Excellent! Call me if you have any trouble."

"Will do, Milly." I said as she left. I then pressed the button on my phone that I clamped to my ear. "Lelouch, are you there?"

"Yeah. I just contacted Diethard."

"Wait, I think I saw Euphie earlier."

"Euphie? What is she doing here?"

"Your guess is as good as mine... She went with Nunnally somewhere, but we'll have to keep this quiet unless we want a riot on our hands..."

"Yeah, and we can't let that happen... I'll see you soon. Just keep an eye on Yuki."

"Roger that." I said before hanging up, writing things down on my clipboard.

Suddenly, I was called to the sound booth with Lelouch, but before everything could get started both Nunnally and Euphie showed up! Out of all times, right now!? Uuuggg! Lelouch quickly got up, dragging me along with Euphie and Nunnally. We sat down and we're talking for a while as Nunnally found out I was also of royalty and "technically" the stepsister of Euphie but I also wasn't at the same time since my mother didn't marry the Emperor. Shirley saw us talking until a gust offering blew, taking Euphie's hat with it.

"Huh? Isn't that Princess Euphemia?"

Oh goddamn it! Why do you have to ruin everything, Shirley!? "Lelouch, get Nunnally out of here!" Euphie said.

"Sorry to leave you like this." He said as he took Nunnally away.

"Euphie, this way!" I quickly tugged her arm as we started running. And to make matters worse was the press and the military were here! Damn you, Milly...

Military units sour rounded Euphie as well as a couple people from the Royal Guard. And since Suzaku decided to screw up the pizza dough, Yuki was left to do it. After she caught it in the Knightmare hands, she set it down as I noticed C.C. look relieved from where she was hiding above. What can I say, girl likes her pizza... Suddenly, as I tired to get Euphie away, we were caught in the crowd, squished against each other. I felt Euphie grab my arm to keep us from getting separated. But then, both Euphie and I were grabbed by a large hand before being lifted up into the air. We were then placed in two metal hands of the Knightmare that I saw Suzaku was piloting.

"Princess, are you all right?" Suzaku asked.

Euphie nodded with a smile. "I am. Thank you, Suzaku for helping me and my stepsister."

"Stepsister?" Suzaku asked until he looked over to me as I stood next to Euphie.

Seriously, Euphie!? Another reason why I despise the royal family, because Euphie doesn't know how to keep her mouth freaking shut!

Suddenly, Euphie grabbed my arm and pulled me into her body, making me blush in surprise. "Yes, my stepsister! Isn't she just a joy to be around?" Euphie laughed cheerfully.

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