Ch.14 What's Going On?

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C.C.'s POV

What have I done? Scarlett is out like a light and I can't shake her awake. What can I do? I have to think of something, but I doubt I'll think of it before Lelouch comes back into his room. I have to think fast! Looking around the room, I felt in a panic before looking back at Scarlett. Then it hit me. I placed both of my index fingers on her temples and closed my eyes to try and see inside her mind. A gasp escaped my lips as I jumped backwards.

Oh-no. I accidentally sent Scarlett back to the real world, but only for a short amount of time. She's having flashbacks of her past and is probably freaking out right about now. No! I quickly shook her again, calling out to her, but then the door opened as Lelouch entered the bedroom.

"Hey, C.C., have you seen my--Scarlett!!" He got to his knees. "C.C., what happened!?"

"I don't know? I was just trying to check something when she blacked out. I accidentally sent her back to the real world and she's not taking it well."

"Well how do you bring her back!?"

"Maybe instead of asking me questions, you help me figure this out!" I snapped.

Lelouch got up and stopped Sayoko in the hallway. He told her to go finish putting Nunnally to bed as she nodded before he came back in here, closing the door. We both searched around frantically for some sort of clue as I was looking for books while Lelouch searched on the Internet for something. I have to work fast or else she may never come back...

Kari's POV

I opened my eyes slowly, feeling groggy as I sat up. Rubbing my eyes, I looked around. I looked at my hands and gasped as they were real. Pouncing to my feet, I looked at the mirror in my room to see myself staring back at me. Tears filled my eyes as I sat back at my desk, staring down at the picture of something. Oh yeah, it was myself, just animated... I felt like o couldn't remember anything that happened those past few weeks I was in that world as it all seemed like a blur. Tears slipped out of my eyes as I stood from my chair; I wonder if Diana is home...

Getting out of my chair and going to my door, I slowly opened it. I shuffled down the steps into the kitchen. Nothing. I went back upstairs and checked all the rooms, except mine, of course. Still nothing. That's strange... Where could she be? Walking back down the stoats, I checked all over, even outside, and nothing. Her car wasn't even here... Must be going to get another haircut so she can get her hair colored blonde again... I smiled weakly before chuckling. My small chuckle soon turned into a laugh that got louder and more maniacal. When I finished laughing, I sat on the couch, frowning. I was me again... I doubt I'll ever get back to that world... More tears rolled down my face as I grabbed my arms, sobbing as I hunched over.

But suddenly, I saw a bright light next to me. I didn't bother seeing what it was because I was probably just seeing things with all the tears in my eyes and on my face. Suddenly, I heard a gasp of happiness; probably just my stupid stepmother back from God-knows-where...


No, wait. That wasn't Diana's voice. It sounded, happier.

"Kari, it's me, C.C.!"

I slowly raised my head and looked over. My eyes widened at seeing the green haired girl with a relieved expression on her face.

"C.C.?" I asked.

The light around her faded as she ran over to me, hugging me. "I'm so glad I found you!" She pulled away from me and looked into my tear-covered face. The golden-eyes girl smiled, wiping the tears from my cheeks. "Are you ready to go back? I'm so sorry, but I must've accidentally sent you here without even meaning to. Come on, Lelouch is waiting for you."

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