Chapter Eight

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Judgment day. Rin rolled out of bed 10 minutes later then she was supposed to, and had to rush to get ready. Once she got there, she saw all the kids her age lined up. In that line, she saw Gakupo and Kaito. Kaito looking excited, and Gakupo looking scared out of his mind. She wasn't nervous about herself, just about Gakupo. If he couldn't sing, she'll never see him again.
"Next up, Kagamine Len," A government worker called out. She would be after him, and after her, Gakupo. Len of course nailed it, he didn't even need to try. He smiled at everyone else.
"Good luck," he smiled brightly at Kaito.
"Kagamine Rin."
Rin also did very well on her evaluation, but she didn't care. She sat down in the corner, staring at Gakupo. He anxiously walked in front of them, and the instrumental started playing.

There was a time where I feared
those I met would reject,

Where I thought I'd best not
speak, since I'd never connect

I'd never find someone who
thought my voice had use

Not a soul foreseen opposite
of the glass screen

But soon my life turned into
a shrine for useless words,

"It'd be so nice to speak and
know for sure someone heard.

I'll be alright, despite
if someone gets hurt."

That I liked to vow, so then
why did I let myself down?

Right now, I know that if
I go, nothing will change

Yes, without delay the world
will spin on either way

"In that case, it's
okay" So I want to say,

But I'm void of a voice
for a phrase so fake

I'm afraid, 'cause I'd want to
be missed, see, the sad truth is

I'm just an outcast trying
to pass for someone strong,

Nothing but a coward with
a hated person's song

As I write from my mind, all
my wonders burst in colors

Reaching out to be
He opened his eyes and took a deep breath, his body tensing up because he could feel people's eyes on him.
"Thank you..." he muttered before running out.
Rin sat in shock, she was overjoyed that he could sing, but now a new question came up. Why didn't he ever sing?
"Gakupo!" she chased after him.
"What?" he stopped for her.
"That was... great," she said.
"It wasn't, but thanks anyways..." He started running again so he could get home. There weren't people staring at him at home.
People weren't trying to find the truth at home...

Heyyyy the song gakupo sings is called hated person song it's wonderful check it out.

Our Melody (Rin x Gakupo)Where stories live. Discover now