Chapter 13

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"Would you be happier if I asked for the roles to be switched or if I didn't?" Gakupo walked behind Kaito on his way to class.
"I don't know, okay? I do know one thing though." Kaito turned the corner, knowing that Gakupo's next class wasn't on this hall. But, he stayed with him.
"I want you to tell me why you're you. No more lies."
"I'm not lying."
"Then why do you hate yourself so much?" he turned around to look him in the eyes before he entered the classroom.
"We can talk some other time..." Gakupo walked away hugging his books to his chest.
Something about their society was that no one was divorced. No one was a single mom or single dad. With the soulmate system, there was an extremely small amount of people that had children before marriage or learning that that person is your soulmate. Gakupo was an odd case, so the only people that knew were those who had to. He never had people over to the house, no talking about family without using 'parents', and no one would find out. So, when Rin asked Gakupo if she could come over to his house the answer seemed clear.
"Sorry, no."
"Why not?" she asked.
"My parents are both working a lot this week, plus i just don't have people over."
"Oh... okay."
Did she sound disappointed? No, she wouldn't be. It was just visiting someone's house. He shook away the hope that someone out there cared, sure he had Kaito, but that relationship was always on thin ice. He wanted to be sure there was someone. Gakupo went home that night to a seemingly empty house. It always felt that way. Dead silent, no distinguishing features. Why would he want to invite anyone here? In his room he had a keyboard, he usually hooked headphones up to it late at night and played piano. It was calming knowing that how well he could play didn't matter. There was never another special pianist meant to play with you. He let his mind wander as the notes blended together, creating a melody. His mom had a soulmate, somewhere. Everyone did, but finding that person is difficult. It's illegal to marry someone that isn't your soulmate, but we were never told how they can tell if they are. Our melodies inside us aren't already written songs, they're just there for us. No one person has the same thing. So, that meant as weird as it was, Gakupo, his mom, and his dad all had soulmates. Kaito and Len had been dating for a while, so chances are they're going to share their melodies soon. He pressed down on the wrong key, throwing everything off balance. He stood up and walked away from the piano, no longer letting his mind go places he usually wouldn't let it. Whoever was his soulmate, was better off without him.
So to the few people reading this, if anything about the soulmate system confuses you leave a comment. I'll try to explain. Thanks for reading!

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