Chapter twenty four

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Gakupo stood in the back of the lunch room, looking for Kaito.

"So, you say you've been having tensions in your friendships?"

"Well... not friendships, just with one of my few friends, Kaito."

"Can you tell what's going on?"

"I ruined things."

He spotted his blue hair in the lunch room and walked over to his table, he was sitting alone with his headphones on. Usually that's what he looked like during lunch. He hated seeing Kaito, such an extroverted person, sitting alone.

"Usually a problem's not entirely based on one person."

"I lied and pushed him away, I pretended to be worse off than I am."

"You need to understand that you do have issues with mental health. That's why you're here."

"But I didn't care enough about the ones he was facing."

Kaito looked stressed, but still put together. He sighed when he saw Gakupo sit at the table.

"What is it, Gaku?" He asked.

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry."

Kaito stared at the table, "You say that a lot..."

Gakupo felt a stabbing pain in his stomach and took a deep breath.

"I don't have an excuse for treating you the way I have been... and I don't want our friendship to end because of it." 

Kaito looked up at him, meeting his eyes. Gakupo held eye contact for a couple seconds and then stared at the ground fidgeting.

"Gakupo, I know that you've got problems, everyone does. I just wish that everything all the sudden just pile into a shit fest, and I wish you had been more honest with me in the past. I don't want to stop being friends either, but something needs to change between us."

The two sat in silence for a minute.

"I'm getting help. I want to be better," Gakupo said quietly.

"Then things should get better, not just for you, but for us."

For the first time in a while, the two smiled at each other. Kaito got up and gave Gakupo a hug, which he at first was startled by. After a second, he hugged him back.

"Whatever happens with this soulmate shit... let's not let it tear us apart anymore, okay?" Kaito smiled.

"Yeah," Gakupo smiled back. 

"You're not used to being as close to someone as you are with Rin and Kaito. You've always held people at an arm's length. Now, you're adjusting to it. You're going to stumble, and you're going to fall. But the important thing is making sure you don't bring others down with you, and that you have people that will help you up."

Wow I'm on a spree of writing these. This wasn't originally in the outline of the story but I'm not going so close to that anymore so that I can like... not have Kaito and Gakupo just be destroyed. Idk, I like how it came out, even if there's no Rin in this one. God I suck at writing Rin.

Anyways, have a good day/night, eat a proper meal, drink some water, and get some sleep!

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