Chapter Eleven

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It was the day of the auditions, and Gakupo felt sick. This wasn't mandatory, this wasn't like the singing evaluation that was basically life or death. This was an optional activity that could make him sing in front of a crowd.
"Hey, you okay?" Kaito sat next to him.
"Yeah... I'm fine," he took a deep breath and suppressed the anxiety inside of him.
"So, what's it like with you and Rin?" he asked.
"What do you mean?"
"I've never seen you date some-"
"We're not dating, we're barely friends," he pushed his bangs away from his face, one of his many nervous fidgets.
"I mean it wouldn't be so bad, right?"
"I don't know how to respond to that," Gakupo stood up, trying to walk away from the conversation. Kaito only jumped up and followed him.
"Why are you so against it? You have a soulmate, you know for sure now."
"I just don't think I should date people yet," or ever, is what he thought.
"I'm just saying, you tend to close yourself off-"
"I don't close myself off to others. Jesus christ you sound like the school counselors..."
"There's a reason why you're asked to go there a lot, Gakupo."
"No, it's just teachers wanting to be the hero. They want to be that person that saved the student from themself, I don't need saving," He turned into a different hallway, staring at the walls scattered with art projects as he picked up his pace.
"Stop trying to get away," Kaito grabbed his arm, trying not to make a bigger scene than he already had.
"Let go of me," Gakupo muttered.
"Ever since evaluation you've been acting different. I want to know why," Kaito loosened his grip.
"Some people don't need to be figured out," he pulled his arm away and bolted up a staircase.

He couldn't escape for long, the counselor was told about the incident and he was once again sent to the counselor's office.

"It's been zero days since I've gotten sent to the counselors office, for no rea-" he turned to see his mom sitting in one of the chairs.
"Gakupo, please take a seat," he obeyed, and took the seat next to his mom.

The office was like a usual office, but then got stuffed with cliches and stuffed animals. There was a pile of Teddy Bears in the corner, and those "hang in there" posters covering each wall. One of them even said "the world is what you make it"
"What a load of bullshit that is." Gakupo thought to himself.

To sum up what happened, the counselor once again said that Gakupo was depressed and needed to get help. After denying it for a good thirty minutes, they left. In two hours he would be auditioning for a show he didn't want to be in. The difference was now, he had to do it. If he did the show then the counselor would at least consider that he wasn't depressed. Everything would go back to his odd normal.

"Hey, I heard what happened. Everything okay with you and Kaito?" Rin started walking beside him.
"Yeah, it's fine."
"Doesn't seem like it."
"What's your goal here? To make me tell you that things are falling apart with him? Sorry, but things are great."
"That was passive agressive."
"Yes, yes it was."

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