Chapter Twenty

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Rin sprung up out of bed, overjoyed at the fact that she was going to school. Normally, that would be absurd. She hated that hellhole, full of plastic girls, and meaningless facts. She didn't enjoy memorizing and repeating. She wanted something new and unexpected, and that's what was going on for her right now. The mix of actual drama between her and Gakupo, who she had yet to figure out, Len and Kaito's relationship, and Kaito and Gakupo's relationship. Everything used to be so dull, almost like the world was memorizing and repeating, but now it's decided to rebel.

She put on her white bow after brushing out her blonde hair. She smiled at her reflection.

She was going to find his missing pieces

After getting ready, she started walking to school. She had left about ten minutes after Len, so he was going to get there before her. She stuck in her earbuds and started listening to her music. Then, a song she had become familiar with came on. Hated person song, the song that Gakupo had sang during his evaluation. She could hear the emotion in his voice when he was singing it. His voice shaking at certain parts of the song, him belting out the chorus and then at the end getting so quiet it was hard to hear. Could it maybe have been because he related to it? There had to be some reason he picked it, she decided. Satisfied, she added a little extra bounciness to her walking. The song was about well, being hated. It had a lot of themes of false strength, or wanting to reach out to others and failing. Something about no one caring if they were gone, shouting out into the void hoping that someone else is stuck there too. She began to realize what she was getting herself into. Then the most emotional part she remembered came on:
So, if you can hear me will you say you'll wait,
or hello? It's pointless but I'm asking all the same. I'm aware no ones there or at least still cares. I can get and accept that no one expects much of me... I just want to know I'm more than a ghost.
Rin thought back to them first meeting, his head low, his hands fidgeting, and then her getting his name wrong.
"I need you to pretend to be friends with my for the school counselor"
She laughed then, but now she was realizing how much of a ghost he really is. She always thought that's how he wanted to be, with few people around and less people to leave, but in the end it seemed like he just wanted someone else to tell him that he's not alone. She was going to tell him, she was going to help him and see how happy he really could be. Little did she know, there was already someone else attempting to change his habits.

"Gakupo, yes?" The young male therapist asked.
"Yeah," he was staring at his feet.
"Do you know why you're here?" He asked.
"Because like all the other adults in the world, you noticed the common signs of depression in me. Well done, you're not the first," how desperately Gakupo wanted to get out of the cramped room. It felt like the walks were caving in around them, leaving less and less air to breathe.
"No, do you know WHY you're here?" Gakupo looked at him with a confused look on his face.
"Why do you need therapy, what is going on in your life that someone thought you needed this?" The man clicked his pen and looked at Gakupo directly in the eyes.
"uh... well... I guess because what happened with my birth father and because I do a lot of weird unexplained things?"
"What kinds of things? Be specific."
"I isolate myself from others and say I enjoy it, I hid the fact I could sing from everyone including my mother until judgement, I get into too many fights with my best friend..."
"You said you only say you enjoy isolating yourself from others, does that mean that you lie so that you're not close to anyone?"
Gakupo froze, realizing what escaped his mouth. "Uh... well."
Though it was something he often did, he couldn't think if he enjoyed being alone. Sure, he found it difficult to hang out in a large group of people and he did enjoy some of his time alone, but being honest, he was tired of being lonely. Usually there would be some balance between them, but he just went all the way on the alone side.
"I don't know how to answer that question," Gakupo spoke softly, disappointed that there wasn't a proper answer.
"That's okay, we're going to figure life out together.just promise me you'll try to buckle in for the ride."
"Yeah... I can do that."

HEY FRIENDS JDJSKSKW! I've been super busy lately and i'm going to try and update often but i don't think there was too big of a gap between these chapters. Well, have a nice day/night! Remember to eat a proper meal and get some sleep tonight :P

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