Chapter Twenty Two

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Mental health go brrr. Sorry for not updating :|

"You're going on the next few nights, that was amazing!" Kaito hugged him.

Gakupo laughed, "but I stumbled so much."

"No, you didn't. You did amazing, okay?"

"...I did well," Gakupo smiled at him, and Kaito watched his eyes light up. It was a rare and beautiful sight.

"You saw Rin in the crowd, right?" Kaito asked.

"Don't remind me, she was sitting right next to my mom and didn't even realize it."

Kaito started laughing his ass off.

"That was your mom?" Gakupo silently nodded, "She looked so awkward sitting there!"

"Now you see where I get it from!"

They both started laughing.

"I...should really talk to Rin, shouldn't I?"

"You should. Personally, I think you should go for it."

"But she barely knows who I am," he started messing with his hair, pushing his bangs away from his eyes.

"She could know you, if you gave her a chance."

They both walked out of the dressing room, Kaito in his jeans and music man t-shirt and Gakupo in his jeans and sweatshirt. He saw Rin standing amongst a crowd of the cast and crew's family and friends. She had a blue blouse, a jean skirt, and white sneakers on. Instead of having her hair tied back with her bow, she just had two hairclips that kept it from getting in her eyes. Gakupo's face started to turn red. God, she was pretty. Why did she like him of all people? He was the last person on the earth that she should like. They made eyecontact, him staring into her blue-green eyes, and her staring into his grey-blue eyes. He always turned away when eye contact was made, but right now they were both staring at each other. She approached him with a smile.

"Hey Gaku-kun."

"H-hi Rin," He looked down and stuffed his hands in his pockets, trying to look as small as possible. 

"Come on, I've got something to show you," Rin held out her hand and Gakupo could hear the murmurs of the theater kids. 

"Okay," he took her hand reluctantly and walked with her, "Listen... I don't know what you're planning to do, but..."

"What?" she asked.

"I- I need to talk to you about something," his hand slipped out of hers and back into his pocket. Immediatly afterwards he felt like he made a mistake, and he wanted to hold her hand again. He wanted to get closer to her, put his arm around her, but that wasn't going to happen.


" is going to be really rough, because of just... certain things-"

"You're afriad?"

The silence settled between them for a moment, nothing but their shoes and the crunching of snow.

Gakupo took a deep breath and let it out, seeing the cold fog float in the air, "Yes, Rin. I'm afraid."

"Of what?"

He chose his words carefully, "things...not working out how we expect." 

"You really are a mystery, Gakupo. Y'know that?" she smiled and took his hand once more as they arrived in the park.

There was a blanket laid on the grass with a couple tealights, and a guitar. 

"How-what-why?" he looked closer at the guitar, and saw the GK carved into the side of it.

"Its yours right?"

"Yeah, it is," he picked it up.

"Well, that's good, because otherwise I bothered your mom for no reason."

Gakupo felt a jolt rush through him, "you talked to my mom?"

She nodded, "Yeah. Listen... she didn't give me the details, but I know that you come from a broken family," he looked away. "But you're not a mistake, and I'm going to prove that to you right here, right now. Now, pick up your guitar, and play your melody," she said.

Gakupo's hands shook as he picked up the guitar. He knew how to do this, it was engraved in his mind. He played the first chord and started to play along with the instrumental written in his head. Rin took a deep breath, and began singing. 


And those bright blue eyes
Can only meet mine across the room filled with people that are less important than you

All 'cause you love, love, love
When you know I can't love
You love, love, love
When you know I can't love
You love, love, love

Gakupo stopped playing for a second, taking a deep breath, trying to stop himself from crying.

"When you know I can't love you," he sang it shakily.

(italics are gakupo, none is rin, bold is together :P)

So I think it's best we both forget before we dwell on it
The way you held me so tight
All through the night
'Til it was near morning

'Cause you love, love, love
When you know I can't love
You love, love, love

When you know I can't love
You love, love, love
When you know I can't love you

All 'cause you love, love, love

When you know I can't love
When you know I can't love
When you know I can't love you

"You're not a mistake, Gakupo. Because you're my other half."

Gakupo gave up keeping the tears in and started crying. He pulled Rin closer and they kissed, they never wanted to let go of each other. It was only then that they looked around and saw quite a few of theater kids that had followed them. A couple of them recorded it, and some just stood there with their current partner holding them tight. However, Kaito was standing in the crowd, looking utterly shocked. 

"This... this is a joke right?" his voice shaked.

"Why would this be a joke!?" Rin answered. Gakupo sat beside her, shaking.

"That's my melody," After Kaito said this, everything went quiet. You could hear a pin drop from a mile away.


EYO PALS, this is like the big climax of the story. All the wonderful bullshit you read up until now led up to t h i s. So yeah, have a good day/night. Remember to get some sleep and to eat a proper meal!! :)

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