Relating to Richard on a spiritual level because i cant sleep

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Here we goooo

When Richard started ranting about how he didn't want to read because he'd spent YEARS proofreading and editing all those stories
I felt that in my B O N E S
Not gonna provide context to that. Just know I got Vietnam flashbacks when he started talking about editing everyone's writing

As someone who hates country but will lay awake for hours on end just listening to the folk punk band AJJ and their music, I truly feel like the edgy cowboy inside me is a w a k e

People be teasing Richard for being pale af but here I am, a shade barely darker than paper, who never seems to tan at all no matter what horrendous sunburn I receive. skin cancer's the only thing I'd end up getting in the end

I am on a constant 99% level of stress
My entire being is just distress

Idk why people say they thought Rango was a weird movie and gave them nightmares. I loved that movie to bits and watched it a whole lot as a kid and I turned out perfectly fine. It's still one of my favorite movies to date

What else is there to drive home the fact Richard is my favorite character because I've related to him so much throughout the years?

I have terrible aim
Fire scares me tho
I was a very lonely kid when I first started watching THQ. At first I really liked Don because everyone loves an edgy boi who don't wanna be here anymore. But then the more we got to know characters, especially with Richard being lonely and crying a lot, I felt understood
And now to see them all grown up and matured, I'm happy. I feel like I've matured and grown with them too

I swear if we don't get a happy and fulfilling ending, imma snap—

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