Uni-Chan Annoys Me

195 18 12

I'm sorry to all the stans out there, but I absolutely hate Uni-Chan now

I'll be talking about the latest THRQ episode, so spoilers be warned, but it's honestly a disappointing episode

I mean, let's talk about the character
Uni-Chan literally has no important input in conversations other than they say "igou" or whatever the fuck and it interrupts when actually interesting information is being given. Like, I liked the conversations going on between Dashlie and Don and Nick. Dashlie's pitiful pep talk when she was trying to cheer Nick up after he learned his dad and grandad were dead was kinda funny, but Uni-Chan just keeps interrupting everything with "igou igou igou" LIKE SHUT UP

And then they came in when Prof Snob was revealed to be DDawn and just straight up KILLED him
Like what the FUCK
It was so unnecessary that even the characters were confused and shocked!
Like what was their reasoning for doing that??? They just drew the sword and attacked him! Was it just to kill DDawn off in front of the camera?? It sounded like he had something interesting going on but noooooooo. Even if he for some reason does come back, he doesn't have any reason now! And with four episodes remaining of THRQ until the end, I really feel like this episode was a complete waste
I mean, yeah, there was interesting information on other characters, but when some of my friends and I were discussing it, one of them brought up that it could've just easily been shared in exposition back in Uni's POV

And let's talk about Uni's POV for a second
What is up with the Uni-Chan perspective? They are so annoying by this point and they are basically a Mary Sue due to the recent episode and have never added anything to... anything!
Honestly, when it came out, I came up with a character on the spot when discussing this with my friends. Uni could've had a character that was like a traveling merchant that is a man of few words and enjoys gossip, making him a bit pushy but always getting some words out of characters in the end to feed us information or lore. That way they aren't constantly interrupting everything obnoxiously!!

Look, Uni-Chan never bothered me. I wasn't ever too thrilled about them in the beginning, but they didn't bother me, I didn't care. Now, they do. They absolutely do. I just...... hooooooooooo I hate them so much now

And one of my friends pointed out that Uni said this episode was supposed to be worth the wait and his re-recording......... but it was exactly the opposite. It was a waste of my time, is what it was. Do you know how antsy I was waiting for it? Honestly, as one of my other friends said, now is not the time to waste time. I honestly would've much preferred a late episode coming out on like Monday that is actually important and interesting. And yet we were given this crap

Anyways, I think that's all
Uni-Chan annoys me
Why tf did DDawn have to die???
This episode was pointless in the long run basically, it added nothing since DDawn was killed off and Uni-Chan just up and left after that

Thank you for coming to my TED talk. Again, sorry to all the Uni-Chan fans out there, but I now hate them. Ricky-Tip and Duni are fine, but Uni-Chan? Uni-Chan can die in a fire, if they are even able to seeing as they are apparently OP

And by Uni-Chan's logic of just straight up killing a villain, couldn't ANYONE have killed ANY of the villains at any point?? Like with Duni, when he turned up a few episodes ago in "IT'S HIM!", one of the characters could've drawn a sword and rushed him. Or with the old pig mayor. By Uni-Chan's logic, when everyone was worried of getting kicked out of town for fear of freezing in the tundra with no food or shelter, they could've just easily barged into the mayor's house and shivved or lynched him

But seriously, this frustrates me
So I'm just gonna leave it here

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