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"Do you want to stay with me?" He uttered close to her ear. His head was somewhat buried into her hair.

She shook her head, grabbing his clothing and not trying to resist the tear streaming down her face. He repeated his questions, hugging her tighter and closer, she felt her lips quiver,"...No"

"Nene" He started with a deep husky voice.

Hearing her name from a rather different male voice startles her.

'huh' is the possible response she has at this moment. She blinks her eyes twice before realizing her surroundings.

"I prefer the answer instead of a sound" she lifts her head and her eyes match the glare of a silver hair guy.

"I am sorry gin sensei" she apologizes with a sweet smile. The teacher sighs as he is getting more fed up with his life. He slowly turns his body, focusing on the class.

"Alright.. next pa-".

Suddenly a loud thudding noise is heard by everyone in the class. The entry of a certain vermilion-haired boy steals the focus of everyone in the class.

"Oye Yato, what you think you are doing?" silver hair guy throws a death glare at the boy. This automatically generates whispers between the students, pissing off the teacher even more." be quiet "he hisses at his class.

Vermilion boy shuts the door behind him, almost breaking it, slowly walks towards his desk ignoring everyone.

Gin-sensei just sighs.

While everyone was whispering at his arrival. Nene gave a glance at him noticing more fresh reddish-brown scars and bandages.

'He fought again.'
Nene slowly walks towards her favourite place.. the school rooftop.. she loves quiet places. They give her mind a break from every worry she can ever have.

she just closes her eyes and lets herself float in silence..or so her mind wanted to think as she suddenly hears a large grumble sound.

It rather startles her...she looks around only to spots a familiar redhead figure resting on the wall of the school rooftop.

Again she hears that grumble sound.. it is coming from his...

'He is hungry? maybe' She smiles to herself as he is looking like a harmless innocent child..not a dangerous fighter like he acted in the class

She slowly walks toward the boy, placing her bento box in front of him, while staring at his pale skin. She can't help herself but notice how many scares he has.. some are old some are fresh like someone did it right now.

Her hand hastily stretches to touch his cheek only to interrupt by the vermilion boy's strong grip on her wrist.

"What you think you are doing" he opens his eyes and looks at her." you don't have any fear, landing yourself in a lion's cave?".he smirks

Nene stays still, quiet, deeply consumed by the navy blue eyes of the man in front of her.

'They are so cold like ice yet so familiar'

"You aren't gonna run away or scream?" he askes with a slightly confused gesture.

She does not break her stare from his ocean blue eyes. Her body shows no sign of fear yet slowly building a soft smile on her lips." it's a fruitless effort won't you say? If I run, you will catch me; if I try to scream, you will silence me; so being quiet makes it easier for both of us" She whispers, not knowing what she is saying as if someone else is speaking through.

After a few minutes of silence... Yato boy let out a big laugh."You are interesting...... you are not strong yet you are not weak" he gets up and starts to walk towards the exit.

Her eyes are fixed at his back, watching it disappear.

Seeing him nowhere in her sight, her heartaches a little. But she wonders why.?

So We Meet Again? (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now