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The sun rays glint on the closed eyes of the sleepy girl, making them twitch in aggravation, forcing them to open. Getting up she stretches herself, letting a yawn leave from her mouth. Once she is fully awake, she finds herself in her futon which confuses her until her last memories evidently flash on her mind.

'She fell asleep in those arms!!!'

She veils her red face.

'What was she thinking, falling asleep like that with a stranger.' She wants to say odious things to herself for showing such unwary actions, but then again she can't as that strong warm sensation didn't feel strange at all to her as if she has perceived this feeling before. She just couldn't stop herself from getting unbind under that fervent grip. She can feel her cheeks getting red by retracing the situation.

After few minutes of engagement to herself, she realises she is alone in the room.
' Was she dreaming? This whole time? None woke her up..?'
She engages her mind in the hope of finding some strings to connect. But after few moments of intense thinking, she accepts her defeat against it and decides to look for others.

By looking around, she comes across the same hall, full of antic decor. Through the shimmer of moonlight, they sure were looking laudable but she just couldn't pay her full attention to them due to her being sunk in her recollection of the past.

To her surprise, her eyes take notice of an unfamiliar photo which she failed to notice yesterday.

It's a family photo in a small frame. She picks up it for a closer inspection.Her eyes extent widely to catch the tiny kagura smiling. The thought of her facial feature not changing abit amuses Nene. She sure is a mirror image of her mother in the photo. Only one thing starts to bother her, the young vermilion haired boy. Nene can't stop herself from staring at him. A strange sensation conceals her, only to be released by the sound of faint grunts and groaning. She places the frame back and rushes towards the sound.

As she reaches to source, she notices Sougo fighting with a hooded guy.

Sougo ducked the blow, slipping under that guy's outstretched fist. He quickly throws out his fist in a fast jab, sending it into the ribs with a satisfying crunch.

That guy grunted, doubling up, but lashed out with a right hook. He slipped backwards, barely avoiding the blow. Unfortunately, the sudden movement upset his balance, and he staggered backwards. Sougo, seeing his opportunity, leapt after him.

That guy is off-balance; any block he tries will be weak, so he simply drops to the ground. His opponent lands on top of him, but he is already squirming to the side. That guy tries wrapping his arms around his neck, but he worms his arms under his opponent, breaking the choke.

Nene is infatuated by their flawless rapid movement, so much so that she just stares at them unmoving, for a while, observing them. Only after their painful grunt hit her ears, she snaps out of it and understands how chancfully they are fighting. Her infatuation slowly turns into a cluster of concern.

Before she can interfere she feels a gentle nudge on her shoulder, which catches her attention. Turning around, her eyes met with Kagura's eyes and her sign of being quiet. They look at each other and Kagura indicates Nene to follow her.

Both enter the kitchen. "Kagura-chan... shouldn't we stop them? They can hurt themselves".
Kagura can only sigh "Those two are unstoppable once they have started, they do it every time, don't worry they will be fine". Though those words don't sound convincing but Nene decides to trust her words.

"I am almost done making breakfast, wanna help?" Kagura cracks one egg.
"Sure, ne kagura-chan, where are your parents" That question causes Kagura to stay still. Her being quiet makes Nene realize her mistake."I am sorry, I didn't-"

"My mother is in hospital, as for my father and older brother, after mother diagnosed with cancer, they have distanced each other and....me," Kagura mumbles, making the room quiet. Before Nene can even say anything to show her deep regret of asking this question, they both hear loud cursing.

"I thought you have sharpened your fang, guess you are still a weakling" Sougo enters the room ahead and notices Nene "Morning, Nene".
"Morning Sougo-ni, your fighting was amazing, I was watching it".

Suddenly husky male voice decides to cut Sougo off."Mah mah seems like you have a fan, sadist."
"Why thank you big brother" Sougo's stretching 'big brother' makes that guy's eyebrows twitch in annoyance, which satisfies Sougo's grin.

On the other hand entrance of that person makes Nene stiff. That strange sensation that concealed her while watching that photo now slowly losing its grip on her. She can get on to the striking facial resembles.

'It's him'

She just stares at him, slowly moving her lips.


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