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The place is full of people enough to make her faint. Her mind is getting more anxious as she can sense many skins.

Taking a deep breath every five minutes is somehow smoothing her yet her heart isn't calm enough to stop its throbbing. She is not used to being around many people as most of the time she stays by herself or with Hayata-san.

Her whole body was shimmering in fear, enough that a tap on her shoulder gives rise to her being stiff in one position.

She turns her head only let out a sigh in relief to see a certain sandy-haired woman.

"Nene-chan?" Hearing the sweet familiar voice gives some peace to her troubled mind." Mitsuba-san" she answers in joy, hugging her

Mitsuba rubs her back before breaking the hug"Oh my it's been a while, look how pretty you are looking today"

Okita Mistuba was her mother's, the infamous Koto player Sakurai Naya's disciple and Nene's favourite auntie. Nene always loves to remember the time when her mother used to teach Mitsuba-san koto in their rose garden.

Both of them playing together along with her father in his shamisen would be Nene's one of cherished memories till this day.

"Yo~~" another sandy-haired person pops up behind Okita Mistuba.

"Sougo-ni" Nene air out of a joyous smile.

Okita Sougo, Mistuba's younger brother. Okita siblings were very close to the Sakurai family and Nene since she was a toddler. They are like her second family. Seeing them invariably brings Nene utter happiness every time.

But every good thing has its omega.

Soon after whispers can be chimed in their ear after another.

'Is she the heir of the Sakurai clan?'

'Yes, she is the only heir'

'But I have never seen her before, in any event'

'People say she bearly show her face anywhere

Well, it is true after her father's death she tried to maintain her appearance in public but as a young orphan it gave nothing but anxiety to her and in the end, she started to appreciate the peace loneliness had drawn to her between the four walls of her house.

But she knew that she can't avoid her duty and responsibility as the heir for long, sooner or later it will catch up with her.

It is just she fears that she will fail her deceased parents. Dishearten those who have held elevated hopes, expected her to be nothing but perfect.

She has no choice but to look down not knowing what to say against those remarks.
A tiny grip on her shoulder makes her look at the holder. Her lips parted but she was met with silence from within.

"Don't mind those words " Mitsuba's fingers gently caresses her cheek, giving her the comfort her mind desperately seeks as she is fighting against her sorrow.

"Let's go somewhere else...quiet"Sougo decides to hold her hand and starts to pull her away from the crowd.
"I will meet you two later," she glimpses at Mistuba waving at them before they are no longer in sight.

"Sougo-ni?"Nene inquires as they are going away from the main hall.

Humming noise in return is all she gets although she detects his eyes glancing around as if he is looking for something or maybe someone." Where are we going?" She asks as they seem to be walking for a while.

"Huh..yea sorry it just I want you to meet someone spe-"

"Looking for me sadist?" They hear a female voice and whirl to look around, looking for its source which ends up to a girl in front of them.
She has open vermilion hair, eyes of clear blue sky gracing her rosy blush cheek and red lips, while her sakura umbrella covers her white pale porcelain skin under her silk qipao(Chinese gown).

"In your dream, China" sougo retorts while looking away to hide his uneasy face which has a mild red tone appearing on it "Someone's face says otherwise" she grins while carrying her steps in her red heels towards them.

"Nope just trying to find fresh air, your mouth stink, china doesn't create more air pollution than we already have" he fake coughs as an attempt to infuriate the red dress girl in front of him.

"Is that so then I am going, too bad I put this much make-up to impress my sadist boyfriend" she turns her head and takes one step away from them. Seeing his attempt fail in dismal, he lets out a low growl. " Fine, you win this round China now come here, I have someone I like you to meet"

"Awww, someone's heart melt" her giggling, only acting as salt on his failure, which increases his annoyance.

"Sougo-ni,.." the confused Nene can only murmur her words, remembering the sadist pair of her existence.

"I completely forgot....thanks to you china" he mumbles, scratching his hair in frustration.

"Don't put your blame on me sadist moron" his girl crosses her arms in retaliation

"What a great way of calling your future husband" he taunts intriguingly, which feels enough to make her flush within herself. They keep their argument on until they hear a small sigh coming from Nene. Both of them stays quiet while feeling embarrassed for their action as Sougo clears his throat.

" Nene, this is chi-"a direct hit in his stomach by his china's elbow" Yato Kagura, my fiance...." makes Sougo moan in discomfort.

Nene sheepishly smiles at what almost happened but agrees to ignore it for everyone's unity.
"It is a pleasure to meet you Yato-san" Nene bows,

" And china..."Kagura cuts Sougo off by moving closer to Nene

"Everyone knows about her, Sakurai Nene, the heir of Sakurai clan, please have my greetings on behalf of the Yato clan"Kagura bows. expressing her admiration.


Her statement snatches Nene's attention as she feels nothing but baffled.

'everyone knows'

Her thoughts begin to jumble up in herself.

Is she that much of high class, she has no idea about it, the best thing she was hoping is that she won't stand out like a sore thumb but all hope is lost for that.

"Please don't be so formal Yato-san," Nene lets out feeling flattered by her gesture.

"Please call me Kagura-chan" Kagura holds her hand tightly, "We are most likely in the same age group "

Nene thinks of saying something but Kagura's smile makes her stop.

"Sadi-Sougo told me alot about you, I am so happy to see you, Nene-chan". Sparkles are glimpsing out of Kagura's eyes and Nene who never felt this type of emotion before eventually gives in with a smile.

"Me too, Kagura-chan"

Suddenly they hear a cough, making them shift their attention from each other.

They look at Sougo as he informs them about the beginning of the ceremony.

Kagura decides to hold Nene's hand as they slowly join him while talking and chuckling about everything and anything.

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