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Dribbling the ball around on the court, I gave myself some time before I went for the throw, landing a smooth three point into the nets.

Some girls cheered me on before I walked off the court with my group to let the other group do their play.

"Nice work boys" coach Drax said with a nod of approval.

Taking my seat on the side, I watched Alex and Jay's group get ready. Coach came into the middle before throwing the ball into the air to start the game.

My boys handled that easily as they got the ball and moved up. It wouldn't be a surprise to me if they got a hoop right there and then.

"Jackson, your late" coach Drax let out, indicating that he was talking to JJ who just walked into the gym.

"My bad coach, was busy" JJ said as he made his way to chill by me.

" I want my three pointers in our next game on Friday" coach Drax said giving JJ a one eyebrow up look.

"I got you coach" JJ responded before he dapped me up and sat down.

"Ya Ayt" I asked after he let out a heavy sigh.

"Shii, I'm Ayt, you ready for the pick up?" He asked.

Nodding my head I got up and JJ did the same because we could see a hoop coming in from Alex's side, and to no surprise, the ball was dunked in with no mercy.

"Nice work boys. Touch and go drill next cm on" coach Drax instructed, making us run around the whole gym, which wasn't a problem for us niggas who take dis shvt seriously.

We ran about four laps before we jumped back into the court on some long range three point shots. For JJ, Alex and I, that shii was easy cause we was point guards after all....

"Yo, Tina been bugging lately" Alex let out as we now just played around wit the ball cause practice was basically over.

"I ain't even gon entertain that shii. She got Brian to cry ove" JJ responded taking a shot.

"What you mean?" Alex asked confused.

"I ain't fvcking wit her no more, i just don't be feeling it like I used to" JJ responded, making Alex and I look at each other and back at JJ before we bust out laughing.

JJ looked at us with a straight face before walking off the court. Alex and I followed behind him as he grabbed some water and downed a few gulps before sitting himself down.

It was hard to hold in the laughter and Alex was feeling the same as we both had a smile on our faces thinking the same thing.

"When you niggas is done laughing at me, make sure you get the delivery and bring it straight to the trap" JJ said in an irritated tone.

"Don't worry yourself bout that, we just wanna know the beef" Alex said.

"What beef bro?" JJ asked, being really serious.

"Cut the act, you doing it again" Alex stated.

Just then a group of girls walked into the gym ready for their own practice, making coach Drax call practice to an official end.

The boys and I grabbed whatever was ours and headed into the locker rooms to get changed and head on home. As usual, JJ was done before myself and then Alex, followed by Jay as well.

The four of us stepped out the locker room and made our way to the parking lot where to my surprise, stood Lay waiting by my car.

I didn't want to assume she was waiting on me cause my situation wit her is pretty complicated if you had to ask me.

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