Chapter One

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Kirito's POV

It was a cold winters morning, the sun was covered by thick clouds, and a light snow shower littered the ground with snowflakes.

I sighed as I continued watching the world outside through the cafe window, the people passing by all seemed to rush around to get to work, trying to avoid the cold.
As for myself, I was leaning comfortably behind the counter, basking in the warmth of the radiator by my feet, just waiting for our regular morning customers to walk in- ready to complain about today's horrible weather.

I liked the snow though, and the ice.

I caught sight of my reflection on the coffee machine, I couldn't help but smile at the sight of my eyes. My soulmate had the prettiest shade of green-blue eyes I had ever seen, they almost seemed to sparkle, it looked amazing in contrast to my bland, gray irises.

I saw Asuna in the corner of my vision, as she entered the cafe equipped in her appropriate winter clothing. A thick red scarf hung loosely around her neck, and her red fluffy socks poked over her boots. She was always good with colour coordination, it's a shame that our cafe aprons are an ugly shade of green.
Not my choice by the way...

"Brrr! Good morning Kirito! Have you been outside yet? It's snowing!" Asuna greeted, flashing me a warm smile.

I'll admit, me and Asuna were actually dating. It's not because I don't believe I have a soulmate, it's because Asuna's soulmate has passed away... she always tries to hide the fact that she misses her soulmate, but I have never succeeded in trying to get her to talk.

Once her soulmate died, her eye colour changed again, indicating that she had another soulmate. Unfortunately for me, her eye turned a shade of gray, and she instantly connected the dots and assumed I was her new soulmate... I don't believe that it's true.

I do like her, but dating her has become difficult for me. She doesn't know what it's like to have to date someone who you know for sure isn't your soulmate! And it's not only that, but I don't really enjoy the way she's treating me. Sometimes she can be really nice, sure, but behind closed doors she lets out her true emotions. She always says she's fed up or disappointed in the way I treat her, and yet I try my best to make her life better...

Even if it's ruining mine.

She insists that we have sex regularly, and won't take no for an answer. So I do it... just to make her happy. Of course I regret it, but I can't escape her at the moment. I feel like the only way out of this is if I find my true soulmate.

I was alleviated from my thoughts when I head the bell on our door ring, our first customer had just arrived.

I stood up straight and readied myself for their order, even if I already knew what they wanted.

"Mornin' Kirito, black coffee please." Said the voice, I nodded, and started making the coffee as we made small talk.

"Morning Klein. How's the soulmate hunting going?" I asked, smiling slightly.

"Awhh man- it's not going great... I've found no one! I feel like I might have been cursed." Klein groaned, leaning against the counter.
I felt a bit bad for him, he was 25 and still hadn't found his soulmate yet.

I looked back at him, admiring the contrast in eye colours that he had. His soulmate seemed to have deep, sea-blue eyes. And unfortunately for him, a lot of people had blue eyes, so it was hard to find the right one.

"You'll find them one day Klein." I said, handing him the to-go coffee.
He simply laughed, and handed me some coins.

"I hope so, I've been getting really lonely you know. You're lucky you have Asuna with you... even if she isn't your soulmate it's good to have some close company." He said, as he started walking towards the exit.

I grimaced slightly, if only he knew that this wasn't at all what he thought it was.

He waved me off before walking out the door, and I smiled in return.

"Hey Kirito, have you taken your meds today?" I heard a voice call from behind- It was Asuna's.

"That's a good point, I almost forgot..." I replied, mostly talking to myself.

I opened a small drawer under the counter, and dug around, sifting through the multiple packets and bottles of pills, trying to find the ones I had not yet taken.

I finally found the small box of antidepressants, and popped out one of the pills- dry swallowing it quickly. I hated having to take pills, it made me feel like I couldn't even control my own mental state... I guess I can't- but it would be nice if I got the chance to try.

I turned back around, to find Asuna watching me.

"You know I can't always be the one to remind you. You need to learn to take matters into your own hands one day." She said, the way she said it was supposed to sound all sweet and protective- yet it was laced with poison. But I didn't want to deal with an argument anytime soon, so I stayed quiet.

Luckily I was saved by any further torment, as Lisbeth had just stormed in through the front door- dripping wet.

I couldn't help but let out a quiet laugh, she looked how I felt!

"Kirito! This isn't funny. First, I was late for the bus, secondly it isn't even snowing, it's sleeting! Now I'm soaked, cold, and angry! Make me a coffee right now or I'm going to explode!" Lisbeth ranted, I didn't take any of what she was saying seriously, but that didn't stop me from rushing to make her a coffee.

She was like my saviour in this cafe, she seemed to figure out that I wasn't really happy with Asuna, and tried everything she could to help me find my soulmate. She was also very kind and caring, even if she didn't seem like it a lot of the time...

The harsh atmosphere that was lingering just a moment ago had lifted, and I handed Lisbeth her coffee, I could tell she was grateful.

I took all our coats to the back room, hoping they would dry up by the end of our shifts.

This was going to be a long week.


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