Chapter Sixteen

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Kirito's POV

"Come on Kirito, we'll be late!" Lisbeth's voice rang through the cafe, making me jolt out of my cleaning.

"Late for what?" I ask, going to the back room to retrieve our coats.

"To pick up your B-F from the train station dummy! What's gotten into you today?" She replies.

To be honest, I had actually forgotten Eugeo had left for a few days. After I had gone to visit him- the night we made our relationship official-  he had told me he was going south to visit a couple of old friends. They were visiting Japan for a holiday, so Eugeo thought it would be appropriate to go see them, and show them around.

The only reason I hadn't noticed his absence was because I had been worrying too much. Unfortunately, they were worries about Asuna. She was returning in two days, with her new soulmate, I was nervous for her arrival and the way it could change some things that had grown normal.

Firstly being that Alice and Klein hadn't invited Asuna to their wedding- they hadn't even told her it was happening. Alice told me she was just worried a good day might turn bad- but Klein told me he didn't want me to see her just incase some fight happened.

Secondly, my relationship with Eugeo.

He was my world- that should be an obvious fact to anyone by now- but Asuna had never really liked him. I was scared her recovery wouldn't be enough for her to just leave Eugeo alone, I didn't want either of them to get hurt of course, but right now I was more worried about Eugeo.

I don't know what I'd do if he ended up either mentally or physically injured- he was too precious to me. I would probably end up taking the blame, since I somewhat count Asuna as my responsibility, I'd believe it to be my fault Asuna had got out of control.

Honestly, I didn't want to have to blame myself. But after years of believing everything was my fault- old habits die hard.

"My minds been elsewhere." I finally say, zipping up my coat and pulling the fluffy hood over my head.

Lisbeth gave me a look- the kind of look that seemed to express every emotion possible. She knew exactly what I was thinking about.

"It's Asuna isn't it?" She asked, and began to guide me to the door.

I gave a slow nod, and watched as she locked the cafe door. There was an unspoken conversation between us, when we met each others gaze.

I knew she would be with us every step of the way, helping out when she can. She knew I was worried about Eugeo, and all of our friends. She knew everything there was to know.

The cold, damp weather added to the sombre mood lingering around us- although it had started to warm up, as January turned into February, and winter was turning into spring.

Soon enough there will be flowers on the edge of peoples gardens, and leaves on every tree. I couldn't wait to see those days again, it would beat this cold rain any day.

Me and Lisbeth started walking down the street, our breath visable in the air around us, cold rain was seeping through our clothing slowly- and it made me wish one of us knew how to drive.

"The taxi is already waiting up ahead- let's hurry the hell up!" Lisbeth exclaimed, her pace increasing.

"W-wait up!"


We were now waiting inside the train station- only slightly wet. I studied the maps and routes on the walls carelessly, the only thought in my head being that I was really cold.

As much as I hated taxi's- it was better than walking in the rain, which had coincidentally poured heavier as soon as we got into the vehical.

"Ugh- my socks are getting wet now!" I blurted, to no one in particular, but I knew Lisbeth had been waiting for me to complain.

"Take off your shoes then!" She replied, almost too quickly. Then she started laughing, gaining the attention of a few strangers.

I scowled at her, standing up, I was planning on pouring the water from my shoes onto her head. I know it sounded a bit mean- but it would stop her from laughing so loud.

However I never got the chance, as a certain someone had appeared in the corner of my vision, a familier coloured jacket and just a familier sense of being.

I turned my head towards the person I hadn't realised I had missed so dearly.

Even though he was only gone for a week- it felt like an eternity since I had last seen him.

Eugeo stepped from the line of people, also returning from their train ride, a warm smile found it's way onto his face- and I couldn't help but to reflect the action. The anger aimed towards Lisbeth, just seconds ago, was quickly forgotten.

Before I knew it, I was hugging him tightly, basking in the warmth my body had been wordlessly craving. His arms reached upward and encircled around me, making me forget where I was except for that smiling face in front of me.

"It's good to see you too, Kirito." Eugeo whispered in my ear.

A wide grin found itself upon my face, and suddenly I didn't seem to care that I was cold and wet.

"Finally! Let's grab some dinner and go home!" Lisbeth cheered, slinging an arm around the both of us.

I couldn't help but agree to getting some food- that earned a couple comical remarks.


The three of us were sat in MacDonalds,  devouring our meals hungrily. It was a nice feeling, sitting together and enjoying ourselves. There was something about dining in a fast-food restaurant at night that just felt so different.

"So, how was your trip?" Lisbeth asked Eugeo as she took a gulp from her lemonade.

The boy in question straightened slightly, finishing the bite he had just taken out of his burger.

"It was good, we didn't really do much though. So it was a bit boring, I also felt like I ruined there plans but... oh well." Eugeo smiled, and then pulled his phone from his pocket "I got this really cute picture of a dog though- look!" He added, and held his phone infront of Lisbeth's face.

"Oh. My. God! He's so cuuuuttteee!!!" Lisbeth squealed, her hands going to the sides of her face.

I rolled my eyes slightly, but couldn't help smile at the pair. They had been getting along really well, and it was nice to see.

Lisbeth had always struggled to make friends, she was in a long distance relationship with her soulmate- and often she would avoid talking to other people. She believed she didn't deserve to be happy around another person, because she couldn't see her soulmate being happy too.

I recalled the conversation from a second ago, and decided to ask a question.

"Why do you think you ruined their plans?" I said, bumping my knee against Eugeo's under the table.

A frown made it's way across Eugeo's face, and I couldn't help but feel a little guilty- maybe he didn't want to tell anyone, and I was just being nosey?

"W-well, I don't know... I guess one reason was that I've been speaking Japanese for so long, I've forgotten certain english words... I said some things, and they looked really confused. In the end they kinda just stopped talking to me, and it was almost like I was being dragged around out of pity..." He admitted, poking at the fries in his takeaway box. "I dunno, it's silly." He added.

I decided not to ask any more questions, but I did take hold of his hand.

Hopefully the entwining of our fingers cheered him up as much as it did for me.


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