Chapter Eleven

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Eugeo's POV

I was waiting for Kirito to answer his phone- I realised that we lived quite far from the trail and we'd need a lift there.

I don't know why I didn't tell him I'd just pick him up, I already know he would have asked Asuna to take him. However I have a bad feeling about it...

The phone kept ringing, as I waited patiently for it to be picked up.

He could still be busy?

The line clicked and Kirito's voicemail was now speaking to me, it would probably be best if I called later- his shift still hadn't finished yet.

I paced my room nervously, and began fiddling with my knuckles. I suddenly felt like something was terribly wrong.

There was a strange ache in my heart, and I didn't notice that I was already hurrying outside and running towards the direction of the cafe.

What was I doing?
It's like I'm not even controlling my own legs...

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I had finally approached the cafe door, it's small bell jingling as I practically ran in.

The sight before me was horrendous.

Kirito was laying on the floor, Asuna towering above him. Another waitress was behind the counter, trying to calm everyone down.

All faces were turned towards me after my loud intrusion, now being the centre of attention- I decided to speak.

"What the hell are you doing?" I spat, poison dripping from every word.

On the inside I was livid, how could I not have realised? All this time there was something wrong with my soulmate, and I had arrived before I could even do anything.

The girl I didn't know approached me cautiously, her eyes showed obvious fear, something very understandable in this situation.

"You're Kirito's soulmate aren't you? I need you to get him away from Asuna as quickly as possible..." She whispered frantically, her voice wavering.

"What happened?" I replied, my voice quiet.

"There's no time to explain- you need to take Kirito and leave. Now." She said, an almost unnoticeable fear in her words. "But be careful approaching him, Asuna doesn't really like you... be quick." She added.

I gave a quick nod and looked back over to my soulmate and his attacker. She seemed to be whispering harshly to him, and she was awfully close. What does she think she's doing?

I took a step forward, being cautious of Asuna, she knew I was here but didn't make it obvious.

I didn't really know how to do this... but I want to keep my soulmate safe at all costs.

Kirito's POV

As soon as I heard that bell ring, I knew who was at the door.

That flaxen haired boy I had been a complete stranger to, not so long ago, had turned up right when I was in 'danger'.

I felt warmth corse through me, just at the sight of him. He was going to get me out of this mess...

I noticed Lisbeth going up to talk to him, but was unable to hear any of their conversation as Asuna had began talking to me, again.

"I can't believe you... look at you, you're being pathetic. You've always been counting on someone else to help you- haven't you?" She whispered, her face getting closer to mine.

I didn't reply, and simply met her harsh gaze- her eyes shooting daggers towards me.

"I loved you- you know? You always were so beautiful, from the hair on your head, to the scars on your thighs. Oh I so love those scars, they must have caused you pain- yes? That must be why I love them so much on you..." She mumbled, placing a finger on her lip gingerly.

I was disgusted by the words she was saying- especially when she put on her 'sweet' voice.
Those words also hurt- a lot.

To think that she enjoyed seeing me self harm...

My eyes widened slightly when I felt a hand on my left thigh, getting uncomfortably higher towards my hip.

"I know you did it again... I always know..." she whispered in my ear, her hair tickling my cheek.

There was no love in her actions at all. I felt disgusting, un-pure and used.

Asuna was destroying every part of me- bit by bit.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a sudden pain in the thigh Asuna was holding. Her hand clamped down on the cuts I had given myself just a few days ago- a stinging sensation spread throughout my whole body as I felt the cuts reopening- agonisingly slow.

She was smiling, an awful, wicked smile- almost sadistic- at the pained expression I was clearly showing on my face.

A few moments of silence had passed, the only sound being Asuna's and my own breathing- hers being uncomfortably close to my face- and I forced myself to look up.

My whole body seemed to relax just by looking at the boy across the counter- he was still talking to Lisbeth... I hope they knew what to do.

My prayers seemed to have been answered, as Eugeo had started walking towards me and Asuna.

I quickly looked away, bringing my senses back to the fact Asuna was still clawing into my, now fresh, wounds. The pain wasn't stopping, and unfortunately for me it seemed to encourage Asuna to hurt me more.

There was a loud noise, and a very swift movement- it all happened too quickly- but I was now being held against someone's chest, two arms wrapped securely around me.

I opened my eyes, that I hadn't realised I had closed, and studied the scene in-front of me.

Asuna was on the floor behind the counter, her arms shaking as she started to push herself up, multiple items had fallen off the shelf behind her, suggesting that she had crashed into it.

I sighed quietly, knowing that both myself and Asuna were actually still alive.

My words still remain- I don't want her dead.

I looked down, examining the arms that were wrapped around my petite frame, and how I had found myself clutching onto them for dear life.

A familiar jacket- a shade of light blue- and ivory toned skin.
I felt my body being pulled closer towards the chest I had been taken in to, a head resting cautiously on top of my own.
It was like a blanket of love had just been thrown over me- after such a chilling event that was Asuna- it was something I craved.

Eugeo... my soulmate...

A warm feeling flooded my body, I felt protected. And despite the light injuries I had acquired...

I felt safe.


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