Chapter Fifteen

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Kirito's POV

Eugeo was standing out in the cold waiting for me-that idiot- he was bound to catch a cold like that. But it was lovely, Asuna had never done anything like that for me.

Walking into Eugeo's flat was always so welcoming.

It was decorated so nicely- plants were scattered on the window-sills and shelves, photographs were hung in pretty arrangements on the walls... it felt like a home, and was completly different compared to the flat I lived in.

He even had fairy lights strung across the ceiling! It had to have been the most adorable thing I'd ever seen.

We were currently on the sofa, a blanket draped over both of our legs, as we were picking out a movie to watch for the evening. Even though the room was heated nicely, there was a metaphorical chill- it would be alot warmer in the arms of a lover.

As much as I would like to call Eugeo my lover, we weren't at that level yet- the most we had done was hold hands.

Though I must admit, having his hand holding my own is one of the most delightful of contacts. It just seems so right- like the last two pieces of a puzzle, finally joining as one.

"Kirito? Are you okay?" Eugeo said, his voice pulling me out of my momentary trance.

I looked up, meeting his gaze- admiring that shade of green I had grown so accustomed to seeing. His eyes were more than plain old green- they were the green that brings the earth back to life after an unforgiving cold. Their lightness reminded me of summertime, when the sun-rays warmed each extended leaf.

"Y-yeah, I'm okay- sorry. Were you saying something?" I reply, my cheeks becoming slightly flushed- I had probably been staring too long by now.

Eugeo however, flashed a warm smile- the kind that you can feel pull at your heartstrings. The kind of smile that would radiate pure happiness- it felt like a smile that would never be forgotten.

"It's okay- I was just asking what kind on film you'd like to watch." Eugeo spoke softly, then added- "Unless you're too tired to watch something?"

His tone was affectionate, as he turned his body to face mine- our knees were touching ever so slightly, but just enough to make my face redden even further.

"I don't really mind, and I'm not that tired-" I was cut off- of course- by a yawn, a hand reaching up instinctivly to cover my mouth.

That got a hearty laugh out of Eugeo, and I was suddenly grateful that my body decided to do something so comical.

"It sure looks like you're tired- how about I just put on a random film and we can fall asleep to it?" Eugeo suggested, then stood up to close the curtains. The space beside me was filled with an uncomfortable emptiness- and I was almost tempted to drag Eugeo back down next to me.

"That sounds nice..." I replied, giving him a sleepy smile once he turned back around.

I watched as he pulled a few more blankets out from the cupboard, walking back over to me, and throwing them over both of our shoulders. It may not have been alot, but just leaning against each other was enough contact to make me feel satisfied, for now.


We were about halfway through a terrible rom-com that we had selected, when I decided to ask Eugeo the question I had been pondering for days.

"Hey Eugeo..?" I started, my voice gentle from fatigue.

I got a small hum of acknowledgment, the sound vibrating it's way through my body.

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