Chapter Nine

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Kirito's POV

Not only was today going to be one of the most nerve wrecking, exciting, awkward day- it was also the coldest.

As I opened my curtains to the morning sky, I couldn't help but stare in awe.

The town looked like an unfinished painting, a plain white canvas waiting for the artist to start their work.

The morning light struggled through the murky clouds, but even in its weakness it was enough to blind my sight temporarily. It was the most beautiful display, soon to be ruined by the traffic and snow shovelers.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard my phone buzz, I glanced towards it and then back through the window.

I was going to need to dress up warmly to see Eugeo today... I hope the plan doesn't change.

I pulled myself away, and picked up my phone while walking to the kitchen.

1 message from: 'Soulmate Eugeo!'

I paused momentarily, took a deep breath, then opened the message.

'Good morning Kirito! The weather is so cold today, just wondering if you're still up for meeting today?'

The message was so casually written, and yet it still made my heart skip a beat. I quickly typed a reply.

'Morning Eugeo, I'm still on for today's plans if you are!'

I sent the message and placed down my phone, starting to make a quick breakfast.

Today was probably going to be one of the best days of my life. We're basically going on a date! A snow date, at a public garden... then we'll be getting lunch...

I'm so excited! I can't believe it, I've finally found my other half. I'm absolutely terrified I'll mess things up, but right now all I can think of is the fact that Eugeo is my soulmate!

I took another look at my phone.

'Alright, I'll see you at the garden then. Don't be late!'


I was currently just a couple metres away from the entrance of the garden, my heart was thumping so quickly I was worried I'd have another panic attack.

I paused, pulled the scarf around my neck a little tighter, took a deep breath and turned the corner.

There, waiting by the gates, was Eugeo- he hadn't noticed me yet.

He had tousled flaxen hair, which seemed to frame his face perfectly. I could see those two sparkling eyes even from this distance, his face tells of a lean body beneath his winter coat, and his expression was serious- but not unkind.

It took me a while to gather the courage to walk closer, but I pushed myself forward, clutching the hem of my jacket nervously.

He was totally out of my league! How did I bag such a good looking soulmate?

He must have heard my footsteps against the snow, as we were now facing each other as I walked closer.

"Kirito! It's nice to see you." He said, now standing up straight and walking towards me.

There was no doubt he could see the blush creeping up onto my cheeks- and I hope he'd just blame the cold for it...

"Hi Eugeo... it's nice to see you too." I replied, my voice quiet.
I was terrified! My nerves were all over the place right now.

"It's good to know you're nervous actually, Kirito. I was worried too, but- hey, we're soulmates..." Eugeo said, his voice getting quieter towards the end. There was a small, but sentimental, smile on his face, and I couldn't help but feel safe after that.

He has a beautiful smile.

We started walking side by side down the path- breath pale against the numbing air.

I looked towards Eugeo, noticing how natural the snow looked as it cascades down his face, a few snowflakes sat lightly on his eyelashes- it was beautiful- he was beautiful.

"Do you like the snow, Eugeo?" I asked, forcing myself to look away from him before it started to give off a creepy vibe.

"Well... aside from it being cold, I do like it- more-so when it's falling." He answered, looking up at the sky which was similarly coloured to the snow.

I smiled, and joined him in looking at the sky. Even with the wind whipping at my cheeks harshly, and the loss of feeling at my fingertips, it was truly an enjoyable experience. It hadn't snowed in Tokyo for about two years now, and I was here enjoying it with my soulmate of all people...

We made eye contact, but I couldn't keep it and quickly looked away. It wasn't a case of anxiety anymore, my heart was beating because of the fact I knew I already liked this boy- I was getting shy.

Our footsteps were in sync as we passed some children playing in the snow, footprints and paw prints crisscrossed each other around the winding of paths and open areas of garden.
Aside from the brown of the denuded trees, the only other colour was the vivid orange glow under the streetlights, and the array of people that had started to gather around piles of snow.

"It's so beautiful..." I whispered, taking another deep breath and enjoying the view. It was only a few seconds, but in that moment I felt truly content with life.

My soulmate was by my side, it was my favourite time of the year, and it just so happened to snow when I was meeting my eternal partner. And a bonus- we both liked the snow!

"Yeah it is... but it's also freezing, how about we go and get that drink you owe me?" Eugeo replied, laughing lightly.

I nodded my head, giving him a warm smile as we started to walk down a different path which led us towards a small tea house.

"What drink do you want?" I asked, because I already knew that he ordered a hot chocolate the other day, and for someone his age it's usually embarrassing to get something that isn't tea or coffee.

I seemed to be right, because when I looked back at him there was a rosy tint on his cheeks. He didn't answer and just looked away shyly.

"I'll get us some hot chocolates, shall I?" I said, my voice quiet.

I chuckled slightly when I saw him nod.

I noticed our hands, that had, somehow, swum the distance between us and folded, one over the other, like a pair of wings settling after flight.


My Soulmate [ Kirito x Eugeo ]Where stories live. Discover now