Chapter Twelve

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Kirito's POV

Rain had started to pour, just as we had ran outside the cafe.

Lisbeth had called Klein, asking for his help about the current situation, since he was an ex-police officer. We didn't want Asuna to get arrested, me of all people wanted it the least.

I knew she was broken, and I wanted to see her fixed.

I want her to find her new soulmate, and be happy again. Just like she used to.

I was standing in between Lisbeth and Eugeo, all of us watching the cafe door cautiously. We had locked it, for our own and Asuna's safety.

There was the sound of quick footsteps coming from the opposite side of the street, and I turned my head to catch sight of Klein and Alice, running towards us.

I felt myself relax, as I knew Klein would be able to sort this out, and who knows- maybe Alice has some kind of ability which can help us too.

I feel guilty for still not knowing much about her...

"Alice? Why are you here?" I heard Eugeo say, after the duo had crossed the road towards us.

I was surprised, to say the least, that they knew each other. But after seeing them next to each other, it made perfect sense.

They both looked European, how had I not noticed it on Eugeo until now? He didn't have the physic of someone from Japan, or even Korea. He was taller, and had more muscle than myself, but he was still slender.

Alice was similar, she had more prominent curves than a Japanese or Korean women... Or at least, from the people I've met in my friendship circle...

"As soon as Klein got that call, I just had to come and help. Why are you here?" Alice replied, a warm smile making its way onto her face- there was an obvious sparkle of familiarity in her eyes, as she spoke to Eugeo.

Eugeo hadn't answered yet, and I noticed Alice was now looking at me.

It was a bit awkward.

I practically resembled a child- clinging onto Eugeo's arm like it was my life line, my face was starting to swell at the side, where I was so brutally pushed just moments ago.

I was still in a state of panic, and hadn't spoken since Eugeo took me away from Asuna. The hit to my head had brought on a pounding headache, I wouldn't be surprised if I was concussed.

"I see... I knew I heard the name Kirito from somewhere... it's good to see you again." Alice said, her gaze softening at the sight of me.

It made me feel a little underestimated, I don't want to look like a child. I can look after myself...

I can...

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Klein started talking.

"Is Asuna still inside? Whereabouts is she?" He asked, his voice serious.

"She should be behind the counter... I hope anyway." Lisbeth replied, as she led Klein towards the door- key in hand.

"I want you to lock me in with her, it's best if she doesn't get out... I haven't done this in a while, but trust me okay? Do not open this door unless I say so. Understood?" Klein spoke. He was always doing his best to protect all of us- one of the reasons he had wanted to be in the police force was to protect his family.

And now, even when he no longer had a duty or role to play- he insisted on protecting his friends.

Protecting us, even Asuna.

I watched as Lisbeth let him inside, closing the door behind him quickly and- doing as he said- locking the door afterwards.

I hoped he knew what to do, I can't really believe this is happening.


It had been thirty minutes.

Thirty minutes of painful silence, as we waited outside in the pouring rain.

Lisbeth had left, since she had something important to take care of, and Alice has gone home to get an umbrella.

So right now it was just me and Eugeo, waiting outside the cafe for Klein to give us a signal.

To be honest- I was worried Klein was dead.

But I knew Asuna would never go that far.

I shifted in place, my body and mind finally coming to terms with everything that had happened.
I was assaulted by my own co-worker, the person who insisted day in and day out that they loved me, my best friend.

Before I knew it, I had started shaking- tears burst from my eyes like water from a dam, spilling down my face. I felt the muscles of my chin tremble and I looked towards the cafe window, as if the light would soothe me.

There was nothing but static in my head, most likely an effect of the constant fear, constant stress I live with- combined with a hit to the head.

I hear my own tremors, like a distressed child- bubbling from the inside.

The tears just kept going, a never ending stream that had bought colour to my previously paled cheeks.

Who knew?

Maybe I truly was just a child, who could only count on the help of others...

I was pulled out of my static mind, when an arm had slinked over my shoulders- pulling me towards a soggy jacket.

Once again, I felt another wave of tears escape me- they came right from the heart.

"I was worried for a minute... you weren't saying a thing." Eugeo whispered, his grasp tightening around me.


Stuttering was all I could do, my voice was too clogged up with fresh tears and occasional wails...

"I know... it's going to be okay, Kirito- you're safe here." He added, his voice still in a quiet whisper.

I pulled my arms up so they were now circling around his waist, a sudden feeling of warmth bloomed in my chest- and I felt as if time had stopped just for us, to be close together, to feel each other's heat; even if it was raining.

I sighed, tears still spilling.

There's was a knocking sequence on the cafe door- and I knew that it was Klein's signal.

He was alright- we were all okay.


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